Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
2.4.1 Known Issues List - Updated 4/26/16
TsarnisBug Reports8 years agoTsarnis
2.4.1 Known Issues List - Updated 3/8/2016
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports8 years agoTsarnis
DIablo 3 2.4 stash Crash and Game Crash issue
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoRhadamanthos #1108
Game freezes (new in 2.4)
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoWhiteDwarf #1818
Diablo III: UEE - Known Issues List - Updated 1/12/16
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
2.4.0 PTR Known Issues List - 12/14/15
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Bounty Issues? - Click Here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Rift Issues? - Click Here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Legendary Item Issues? - Click Here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Set Dungeons Issues? - Click Here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Eh, something else went wrong..
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoJonnycatland #1676
Not working on the Mac
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoGondorNative #1448
Legendary Item Issues? - Click Here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Bounty Issues? - Click Here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Set Dungeons Issues? - Click here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
How to Write a Good Bug Report
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Adria is invisible and un-hittable.
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agogr8mikey #1250
AMD driver 15.9b fixes act2 crash
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoRaven #6161
Monsters at your rift entrance? Click here!
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Season journey (Champion) : Check yo self
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoxtremis #1234
How to Write a Good Bug Report
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
2.3.0 PTR Known Issues - Updated 8/12/15
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
GR run
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoLuot #1112
Kanai's Cube Jewelry Slot Causing UI lag
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoFallensinner #1791
Cube or Build-related performance issues?
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
List of known/possible bugs! post yours here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoCheezusCrust #1567
Attention Mac Players - Please Read! (6/30/15)
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
Fetishes forgetting to shoot darts
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoAdamlh #1158
How to report exploits, hacks, and cheats
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoTsarnis
White Glare at the main menu and the game
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoBootyslayer #1246
Console 2.2.0 Hotfixes - Updated 4/17/15!
TsarnisConsole9 years agoTsarnis
Console 2.2.0 Hotfixes - Updated 4/7/15!
TsarnisConsole9 years agoTsarnis
Help me please
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agodestormer #1979
Kadala and Gem Goblin: level 60 items given
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoLithislas #2855
Major Performance Issues - Choppy Gameplay
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports9 years agoDaRkAnGeL #1761
Stash Empty After Season
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agothepacman #1836
Does not recognize the expansion of Diablo 3
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoKuza #2931
Incorrect display of achievements in league t
TsarnisBug Reports9 years agoLordDrukalo #2660
Clan leg notifications no longer work.
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoCerebursarus #6287
DH cannot equip shield, Xbox one
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agosneakytails #1320
2014 Virtual Ticket Transmogs
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoKransch #2292
Gem of Ease - Experience Gain Workaround
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoTsarnis
Loot disappearing from game right after patch
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agokryokon #1399
Can't move to next floor of rift
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoEndugu #1799
Rift bug not fixed :(
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoNihlathak #2187
Bug: Ancient weapons got nerfed?!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoTEPOPuCT #2855
[BUG] Bane of the Trapped does NOT WORK for 2p SWK
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoFanatik #2710
Rift Issues on 2.1.2 PTR? Click here!
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoTsarnis
Ramaladni's Gifts missing after Character Copy
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoSavi #2652
Firebirds set not applying the DOT in rifts
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoCharybdis #1285
Bug list - does blizz even test there own patches
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoTheRugester #1819
60 billion xp & gold per hour?
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoPrimalliquid #974
[BUG] Crafted Legendaries and Ancient Legendaries
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoZoen #1339
Diablo 3 issue Warsong Pendant
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoVodarisu
The Merciless Witch still bugged?
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoBeWiser #1900
PS4 crash 2 times inside rift
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoBeeffingers
Diablo III (PS4) consistently crashing?
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoRageSpy #1773
Achievement Bug Thread 2
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoMorogoth #1321
All my legendary gems have reset to rank 0
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoMyseri #1577
PS4 Act IV : Key of Evil Torment VI no drop
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoAnatomy #1572
[BUG] PS4 ALL items gone from ALL followers
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoOrangePro #1882
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition - Known Issues List
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoTsarnis
Broken breaking news
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoIedas #2444
PS4 Issue: Cannot connect to any online games
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoMadaket
Ran out of monsters in your Rift? Read me!
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoTsarnis
Ahavarion, spear of Lycander effect
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoddmdarklink #1373
My achievements Are gone!
TsarnisBug Reports10 years agoHundaren
It's a bug or your guide is wrong!
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoMisery99 #1325
UEE PS4 - bounties primes never change
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agotrusparta #2363
PS4 Bonus Bounties BUGGED
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoHykCraft #1770
PS4 - Belial will not die
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoBitt #1232
Non-seasonal Paragon level showing on Season 4
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoMakavelï
Season achievements leaderboard HC is wrong
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoDrOfDeath #1883
Problems with PS4 bonus item? Click here!
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoTsarnis
Warriors blood set bonus xbox one fail
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoNaga3x6 #1160
My legendary Gems keep reset to rank 0 on logout
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agokwazzilla #1128
Couldn't complete rift
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoShark #1739
Amazon Parm - problem
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoEnSabahNur #2625
Double Greater Rift Guadians
TsarnisPTR Bug Reports10 years agoHiveMind #1882
PS3 freezes after 1.0.3
TsarnisConsole Bug Reports10 years agoShponglez
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