Avatar of LordDrukalo #2660
LordDrukalo #2660
incorrect display of achievements in league t(1)Category: Bug ReportsJanuary-16-2015 4:59 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Displayed incorrectly achievement points in the league table.

http://i.imgur.com/tCQJD6Z.png shows rating table today.

http://i.imgur.com/8qCKEg9.png show achievements fenix8x

http://i.imgur.com/W04R4x6.png show achievements blood

http://i.imgur.com/gv8nmIE.png show achievements lorddrukalo

http://i.imgur.com/WbYu4s3.png show achievements antonnar

All players score the maximum 7880. the pictures also show the date of receipt of all the achievements for each player separately.

Based on the date of receipt of the maximum number of seasonal achievements, these players should be 4, 5, 7, 9 place in the league table.

But in the league table displays fenix8x 7840, blood 7830, lorddukalo 7850, antonnar 7850.

Please correct the problem with the display rating
Avatar of Tsarnis
incorrect display of achievements in league t(6)January-28-2015 3:55 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hi Everyone,

We just deployed a hotfix that should alleviate the majority of the issues you are describing in this thread.

There was an issue that was preventing achievement completion, times, and dates from properly posting to the leaderboards for some players. To correct this, we made a change that will cause the leaderboard to take another look at your achievement total, as well as the date and time when you completed your final achievement and then update itself and re-order standings based on the actual times and dates when the achievements were completed.

In order for the leaderboard to re-register your actual completion dates and times, you will need to do one thing: Simply enter a game on your seasonal character prior to the end of Season 1. Immediately upon entering the game the hotfix will make any needed adjustments to the leaderboard based on your actual achievement completion dates and times.

We appreciate your patience while we worked to resolve this issue, and thank you for all of your reports about this!
Avatar of Tsarnis
incorrect display of achievements in league t(9)January-29-2015 9:26 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hi Dogma420,

Please try creating a new hardcore seasonal character and entering a game. Reply here afterwards and let me know if that correctly adjusts your dead character's leaderboard standing (if, of course, you qualified for a leaderboard standing on that character).
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