Avatar of Tsarnis
Legendary Item Issues? - Click Here!(1)Category: PTR Bug ReportsNovember-20-2015 11:40 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Greetings Heroes!

Note: With the release of the new PTR patch on 11/20/15, we have retired the old Legendary Items Issues thread. Please use this new thread to post your Legendary Items bugs!

With the release of Patch 2.4.0 on the Public Test Realm, we’ve made very extensive changes to many existing items and sets, as well as adding many brand new items. We wanted to take a moment to create a space specifically intended for you to report Item-related issues that you encounter to us.

Here is the specific information we are looking for in a Legendary Item bug report:

  • A detailed description of the issue encountered, preferably with numbered steps to help us reproduce what you observed.

  • What was the name of the item that was causing the issue?

  • What class were you playing?

  • What other supporting or related items did you have equipped?

  • Were you in a multiplayer game? If so, what other classes/builds were in your game?

  • Any other pertinent information you can think to include. Item bugs can be complex, so please feel free to be very detailed!

Please note that we will be actively monitoring and moderating this thread. Off-topic or unhelpful posts will be removed.

Thank you for your diligence in helping us squash bugs and enjoy the patch 2.4.0 PTR!
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