Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Why I can't find games? Is there no players??
TyvalirGeneral8 years agoMack #1332
Fansites, Social Media, and Other External Communities
KauzaGeneral8 years agoKauza
Report bot users
NevalistisGeneral8 years agobloodravens #6409
Imperial Palace Crash Help???
JambrixGeneral8 years agoStrigoi357 #1177
Dear necromancers...
NevalistisGeneral8 years agoLordDamien #1895
Nevalistis: 'No PTR anytime soon, nothing to announce'
NevalistisGeneral8 years agoWalkinTall #2636
NevalistisGeneral8 years agochandaddy #1322
Upcoming Forum Migration
NevalistisGeneral8 years agoNevalistis
TESTGeneral8 years agoTEST
A Message from Chris Metzen
VanerasGeneral8 years agoVaneras
A Message from Chris Metzen
KauzaGeneral8 years agoKauza
Minor Patch - Back-end Updates [24/8]
VanerasGeneral8 years agoVaneras
Minor Patch - Back-end Updates [8/24]
NevalistisGeneral8 years agoNevalistis
How do people Feel about Quin69s WD being revived?
NevalistisGeneral8 years agoShadow #1687
Update your "HOME" tab on this site Blizzard...
NevalistisGeneral8 years agoDoctorSatan #1292
Botting allowed now?
NevalistisGeneral8 years agoHai #2384
The Eu forums are dead because the blizz mods are so
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoEoTRampage #2794
Patch 2.4.2 Hotfixes - Updated 8/10
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Firebird's Finery Hotfix (8/17)
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
When is season 7 starting?
VanerasGeneral9 years agoError37 #2336
17:00 Season 7 start EU
VanerasGeneral9 years agoDeath #2981
Patch 2.4.2 Hotfixes - Updated 4/8
VanerasGeneral9 years agoVaneras
Play Your Way Series - Submit Your Build Today!
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoDarth #1885
S7: Season Journey Tracker
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoBagstone #2613
Which class are you rolling in Season 7?
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Upcoming: End of Era 6
VanerasGeneral9 years agoVaneras
Upcoming: End of Era 6
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Season 6 objective
TyvalirGeneral9 years agoFitzgerald #1579
Anniversary giveaway
TyvalirGeneral9 years agoElfBong420 #1446
Each season, are the sets you can different?
TyvalirGeneral9 years agoReason #1385
Location of Kahzra (Fallen) Pennant?
KauzaGeneral9 years agoWALLYWALLEYE #1724
Regarding the Fallen Pennant Drop Rate
БрайвирGeneral9 years agoБрайвир
Welcome Back, Tyvalir!
KaivaxGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
False-Positives in most recent Ban Wave
NevalistisGeneral9 years agofuruncle #1703
Stay a while...and listen! A Deckard Cain Cosplay
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoCasteel #1593
Stay Classy Blizzard.
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoUraeus #1314
The Future of Firebird's Finery
VanerasGeneral9 years agoVirnethael
3 Missing transmogs bugged?
NevalistisGeneral9 years agopRidE #21357
Farewell Jay Wilson
NevalistisGeneral9 years agob0dyc0unt #1925
Waffles vs Pancakes
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNewAgeDoom #1397
Ever since the update fix no rainbow goblin in game any
NevalistisGeneral9 years agograbbit #1880
Not getting Overwatch bonus in game.
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoDrpwnsauce #1552
Are pets and wings only in season game?
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoBADSALLY #1673
Grotesques are now SEVERELY bugged. (Fixed!)
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoMeWhenum #1465
Patch 2.4.1 Hotfixes - Updated 5/20
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Are community chats not working for anyone else?
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoMalachore #1410
Is the Khazra Pennant even in the game?!
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoZantara #1611
The only game that bans u for playing to much.
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoBaro #1583
Patch 2.4.1 Hotfixes - Updated 11/05
БрайвирGeneral9 years agoБрайвир
20 new pets captured
NevalistisGeneral9 years agomereum #11254
Video driver crash
DankoriiGeneral9 years agoHappyLlama #1230
I've got no wings
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoBlasphemous #1393
Textures shining very bright - unplayable
OmrakosGeneral9 years agopotterman28 #2806
Frequent, hard lag spikes...
AmalowynGeneral9 years agoSkyfire #1599
Disconnected from games
DankoriiGeneral9 years agoCrica #1690
Two More Hours to Season 6...
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Upcoming: End of Era 5
VirnethaelGeneral9 years agoLliodelur
Upcoming: End of Era 5
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Star helm doesn't salvage... Whats the scoop???
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoGeoffrey #1602
Thank you, Blizzard....
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoSyn #1297
NS Leaderboard Players Ambushed!
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoConquistador #6134
Non-Season "Era" actually lasts 2 days.
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoDavlok #1847
If Ben & Jerry's made a Diablo-themed ice cream...
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoFightingFish #1894
2.4.1 PTR Ending Soon
VirnethaelGeneral9 years agoVirnethael
What's your favorite D2 and D3 Boss Fight?
KauzaGeneral9 years agoMelos #1730
Gem upgrades on PTR reverted to snail's pace
KauzaGeneral9 years agoMeWhenum #1465
My friend with his fancy Overwatch Wings and Frame
NevalistisGeneral9 years agoOldPro #1166
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