Avatar of EoTRampage #2794
EoTRampage #2794
The Eu forums are dead because the blizz mods are so(1)Category: GeneralAugust-18-2016 10:14 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
pathetic they keep banning everybody who doesnt hype this horrible game.
Say 1 negative thing, even a very little point of criticism and you'll get banned for over a month.

Those idiots really lost their mind now their false idol blizzard has fallen.
Avatar of Nevalistis
The Eu forums are dead because the blizz mods are so(8)August-18-2016 4:46 PM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
There is a difference between being toxic and providing constructive criticism. It's possible to express an opinion that's inherently negative without being a jerk.

You are most welcome to contribute to the community when you have criticisms of the game. We simply ask that you do so in a respectful manner. I'll be locking this thread because it's not particularly productive, but consider this a gentle warning and an insight into the distinction we make when we wield the banhammer. You catch more flies with honey, and less hammers to the face with vitriol.
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