Avatar of Reason #1385
Reason #1385
Each season, are the sets you can different?(1)Category: GeneralJuly-10-2016 6:50 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hello. I didn't see this in the help / guide section:
Each season when you're doing the season chapters, is it a different set from the last season, assuming you're playing the same class?
Thanks for any info!
Avatar of Tyvalir
Each season, are the sets you can different?(3)July-11-2016 9:54 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Thanks for helping a fellow poster out, soulidarity!

We do rotate through the class sets granted through Haedrig's Gift each Season. You can find the Season 6 rewards here, and we'll have a similar preview for Season 7.
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