Avatar of NewAgeDoom #1397
NewAgeDoom #1397
Waffles vs Pancakes(1)Category: GeneralMay-25-2016 11:44 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Which of the two do you think Cain preferred before the Butterflies of Doom killed him?

I personally enjoy both.

Avatar of Nevalistis
Waffles vs Pancakes(12)May-26-2016 10:24 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: Namcap

Cain was a smart guy, I'm sure he had a similar opinion.

I agree. Waffles are the more structurally impressive breakfast pastry. They are superior in every way to pancakes, as they take thought, effort, and talent to execute. Cain would have appreciated their complexity.

Don't let pancakes, or the "lazy man's waffle," fool you into complacency. They are obviously a tool of the Burning Hells, designed to incite sloth and gluttony in dutiful nephalem.
Avatar of Nevalistis
Waffles vs Pancakes(18)May-26-2016 11:04 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

My wifes banana pancakes are awful good?

But wouldn't they be objectively better as waffles?

(Yes. Yes they would.)
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