Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Fansites, Social Media, and Other External Communities
KauzaGeneral8 years agoKauza
A Message from Chris Metzen
KauzaGeneral8 years agoKauza
PTR Maintenance - [7/20]
KauzaPTR Feedback8 years agoNevalistis
PTR Patch 2.4.2 Hotfixes - Current 7-18
KauzaPTR Feedback8 years agoKauza
Location of Kahzra (Fallen) Pennant?
KauzaGeneral8 years agoWALLYWALLEYE #1724
Welcome Back, Tyvalir!
KauzaGeneral8 years agoNevalistis
[6/30] PTR Maintenance
KauzaPTR Feedback8 years agoNevalistis
Mercy Wings Now Available on PS4 and Xbox One
KauzaConsole8 years agoKauza
What's your favorite D2 and D3 Boss Fight?
KauzaGeneral8 years agoMelos #1730
Gem upgrades on PTR reverted to snail's pace
KauzaGeneral8 years agoMeWhenum #1465
Is hack procc'ing from AD procs intended ?
KauzaPTR Bug Reports8 years agoVael #2279
Error 34200 - cant log on
KauzaPTR Bug Reports8 years agoThacai #2668
Clan Unavailable?
KauzaBug Reports8 years agoGbrav13 #1250
Log in bug for PTR
KauzaPTR Bug Reports9 years agokroc305 #1576
Monk Innas set bug.
KauzaPTR Bug Reports9 years agoWWK #2855
KauzaGeneral9 years agoAnthony #12870
Keep getting logged off the forums
KauzaGeneral9 years agojohnisme #1688
Tie forum posting privileges to paragon level
KauzaGeneral9 years agoTheNoseKnows #1451
Did any of you guys actually PLAY d2?
KauzaGeneral9 years agoLinuxpenguin #1748
Did Diablo 3 just go Free 2 Play, 1 to 70, no Xpac?
KauzaGeneral9 years agoScourge #1319
A quick chat about the next PTR patch
KauzaGeneral9 years agoKauza
Fight with Kanai! new Cow level in The Immortal Throne
KauzaGeneral9 years agoLeonking #1273
Patch 2.4.0 Hotfixes - Updated 2/11
KauzaGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Kanais cube items disapear
KauzaBug Reports9 years agoFreIzarD #1687
Performance Issues on PS4 since Patch 2.4
KauzaConsole9 years agoDirewolf #1447
Issue Impacting Achievement Display
KauzaBug Reports9 years agoKauza
Servers are busy...
KauzaGeneral9 years agoRaspB #1922
Blizzard...what were you honestly thinking?
KauzaGeneral9 years agoHammerstix #1930
You're all pathetic.
KauzaGeneral9 years agoJaemeson #1383
2.4 Patch Delayed Probably Until The Start Of Season 5
KauzaGeneral9 years agoUnknown
Looks like today is NOT patch day :-(
KauzaGeneral9 years agoEliteWarrior #1809
Cubed powers not carried over if changed
KauzaPTR Bug Reports9 years agoHachemalum #1944
New PTR Build #35056 (12/21/15)
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoJayDog #1427
Info on PTR Patch 12/15/'15?
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoVelsnaru #2739
Legacy of Nightmares, buffed to 400%?
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoCalethosVB #1703
Patch Preview (400% LoN)
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoRazorphilia #1166
Attention: Active Adria Bug [12/8]
KauzaGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Technical Patch 2.3.0b Going Live on Tuesday
KauzaGeneral9 years agoKauza
Once and for all - CAVE_MAPS_SUCK
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoRefune #2873
Where is the 12/1 patch notes !?
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoGerakus #1653
PTR Patch 2.4.0 Hotfixes - Current 11/24
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoKauza
Leader board wipe only with next PTR patch?
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoYamaraj #2105
Upcoming PTR Patch and Progress Wipe
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoKauza
2 ancient vo'toyias spikers different roll ranges
KauzaPTR Bug Reports9 years agoSlevin #1678
Latest patch for ptr looping through over and over
KauzaPTR Feedback9 years agoJava #1210
An interesting statement..
KauzaGeneral9 years agoAgmo #1785
Welcome Kauza!
KauzaGeneral9 years agoNevalistis
Feedback for Diablo Somepage