401-500 of 2073
Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Fresh Meat N' Greet - tao#1163
GrimikuBarbarian9 years agoGrimiku
Key of evil not dropping on console
GrimikuConsole9 years agoKodiak #1805
Ancient Item Clarification (Crafting)
GrimikuConsole9 years agoTybudd #1264
Console vs pc patch?
GrimikuConsole9 years agoCrimsonumbra #1365
We Got Season 2 Items???
GrimikuConsole9 years agoKnaisGuy77 #1788
Patch 2.1.2 Now Live on PS4 and Xbox One
GrimikuConsole9 years agoGrimiku
Ancient Hellfire Keys
GrimikuItems9 years agoBigJohn69 #1380
Question about Hellfire Amulet
GrimikuNew Player Help9 years agoByrd #1479
Seasonal items in console patch?
GrimikuConsole9 years agoArctor #1898
Let's Play A *Legendary* Game.
GrimikuGeneral9 years agoStarbird #1360
Barbarian Skills issue
GrimikuGeneral9 years agoZaknefein #1361
Patch 2.1.2 PTR Ending Soon
GrimikuPTR Feedback9 years agoGrimiku
Loot question
GrimikuConsole9 years agoZugzw4ng #1119
SORRY lots of questions, starter needs GUIDE!
GrimikuConsole9 years agoChristina #3143
Your Save Data Is From a Previous Version....
GrimikuConsole9 years agoPlagueDog #1711
Was there a very stealthy hot fix implemented
GrimikuConsole9 years agoAriyts #1218
Upgrading from 360 - One
GrimikuConsole9 years agoBattlePants #2485
Luck is not with me
GrimikuConsole9 years agoTeaus #1618
Deleted Character?
GrimikuConsole9 years agoKevMed #1509
Key of Evil NOT dropping
GrimikuConsole9 years agobluburrrry21 #1858
Merciless Witch still bugged?
GrimikuConsole10 years agoBeWiser #1900
11/11/14 Patch?
GrimikuConsole10 years agoJakk #1680
GrimikuConsole10 years agoHDIRON #1827
Nemesis Etiquette
GrimikuConsole10 years agoBognars
Reduced to Farming Gems to roll Sockets
GrimikuConsole10 years agoM4nT1s9413 #1851
So is the Monk glitching fixed now?
GrimikuConsole10 years agoKadin #1207
What did the 11/11/14 patch bring to consoles
GrimikuConsole10 years agoRogueDeath #1464
Patch 2.1.0a now Live for Xbox One and PS4
GrimikuConsole10 years agoGrimiku
Fresh Meet N' Greet - RedCell #1728
GrimikuDemon Hunter10 years agoGrimiku
Fresh Meat N' Greet - CC123 #1310
GrimikuBarbarian10 years agoGrimiku
GrimikuNew Player Help10 years agoNoctis #1613
Quick Question....
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoLodeswrath #1916
This is my way of using the community buff !!
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoRepli #2649
Life per hit question
GrimikuNew Player Help10 years agoSysmia
Any way to see legendary gem levels?
GrimikuConsole10 years agoKadin #1207
Fresh Meet N' Greet - dolynick#1290
GrimikuWizard10 years agoGrimiku
Fresh Meet N' Greet - RAKIMALLAH #1361
GrimikuWitch Doctor10 years agoGrimiku
Fresh Meet N' Greet - nichodemus#1747
GrimikuMonk10 years agoGrimiku
Fresh Meet N' Greet – ArtDZ#1930
GrimikuCrusader10 years agoGrimiku
Console favorite class and why?
GrimikuConsole10 years agoJorlen #1433
Deleting a seasonal character
GrimikuNew Player Help10 years agoInfamy #1245
I know rolling is not a faster way to travel.
GrimikuConsole10 years agosiren101 #1956
I just died, and I used a shield pylon.
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoBigfoot #1123
How does Zei's Stone work?
GrimikuItems10 years agoRazor #1728
Blizzard Devs, did you make to GR100...
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoDefender #1772
XB1 & PS4 - Glitch Warning for Monks
GrimikuConsole10 years agoHunterD333 #1947
Monk stuck
GrimikuConsole Bug Reports10 years agoshinyoshi #1566
Just a ?
GrimikuConsole10 years agoBoneBreaker #1194
T6 Rift Clearing Competition
GrimikuBarbarian10 years agoNubtro #2147
Fresh Meet N' Greet - Bacon#1205
GrimikuMonk10 years agoGrimiku
Why does Bul-Kathos's Oath ...
GrimikuBarbarian10 years agoIc1HooksTV #1133
The true rules of Hardcore
GrimikuHardcore10 years agoShunsin #1743
Underwhelming highly coveted legendaries
GrimikuConsole10 years agoshinyoshi #1566
Barb Transmog
GrimikuBarbarian10 years agoRespeck #1985
Joining public games and game tags
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoMajikza #570
Please Help (Activities)
GrimikuNew Player Help10 years agoMalakye #644
Diablo rocks !!!
GrimikuConsole10 years agoMerlino #1982
Key of Evil will not drop period.
GrimikuConsole10 years agoRyedenz
The opposite of shift-clicking
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoenchant #1288
Just bought the game. Need help setting up
GrimikuConsole10 years agokrepon #1625
Is Spectrum dropping on console?
GrimikuConsole10 years agoAvin #1367
Fresh Meat N' Greet - BDF#1838
GrimikuWizard10 years agoGrimiku
Fresh Meat N' Greet - PaulNg#6869
GrimikuWitch Doctor10 years agoGrimiku
Fresh Meat N' Greet - Khoaker#1723
GrimikuDemon Hunter10 years agoGrimiku
Bugged game settings
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoMeowazziel #2333
Bane of the Powerful - working as intended?
GrimikuItems10 years agoZsu #2322
BOT and Strongarm
GrimikuBarbarian10 years agoIVIaertz #1605
Yellow Drop Bug
GrimikuGeneral10 years agodarkvoid #1400
Fresh Meat N' Greet – Nubtro#2147
GrimikuBarbarian10 years agoGrimiku
GrimikuWizard10 years agoDirtyjello #1100
"Salvage all" button not working after patch?
GrimikuGeneral10 years agoLuffy #1946
I screamed at my screen
GrimikuBarbarian10 years agoRespeck #1985
401-500 of 2073
Feedback for Diablo Somepage