Diablo III Hero Vishamon (Vishamon #1117)

Index for Vishamon
  1. Overview
  2. Skills
  3. Statistics
Last Time Played: 9 years ago
Last Full Update: 9 years ago
Skills Used by Vishamon
Active Skills Passive Skills
Summon Zombie Dogs - Burning Dogs Fetish Sycophants
Locust Swarm - Searing Locusts Zombie Handler
Piranhas - Frozen Piranhas Fierce Loyalty
Gargantuan - Bruiser Midnight Feast
Haunt - Draining Spirit
Plague of Toads - Rain of Toads
Statistics for Vishamon
Hero Power
Damage: 545,022.00World
Witch Doctor
Toughness: 12,216,200World
Witch Doctor
Recovery: 1,796,000World
Witch Doctor
Strength: 77
Dexterity: 77
Intelligence: 8805World
Witch Doctor
Vitality: 4705World
Witch Doctor
Life: 578251World
Witch Doctor
Life on Hit: 32767World
Witch Doctor
Gold Find: 259%
Additional Crit Damage: 271%World
Witch Doctor
Critical Hit Chance: 30%World
Witch Doctor
Resist All: 1148World
Witch Doctor
Armor: 5950
Thorns: 1987
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