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Patch 2.4.0 Hotfixes - Updated 2/11(1)Category: GeneralJanuary-14-2016 4:38 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Below you will find a list of hotfixes recently applied or coming soon that address various bugs or mechanic tweaks.

These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require restarting the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.

Last updated January 20. Hotfixes are denoted by the date they were applied to live servers.

Previous Hotfixes: [2.2.0] [2.2.1] [2.3.0]


Note: Items previously marked as "Upcoming Hotfixes" have now been applied and are consolidated in the notes below.


  • Fixed a crash that would occur when the Skeleton King attempts to continue to whirlwind while after he has been defeated (1/20)
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent some players from logging in (1/20)
  • Fixed an issue where Armor Scavengers (Primordial Scavengers) would not lose their armor when hit by pets. (1/27)

Demon Hunter

  • Impale

    • Fixed an issue where the 6 piece Shadow's Mantle set bonus would cause Impale to inherit the damage type of an equipped weapon when being used with Convention of Elements. (1/27)


  • Black Hole

    • Fixed an issue where enemies affected by both Black Hole - Event Horizon and Taunt would remain at 1 hit point and be unable to be killed (1/20)

  • Ray of Frost

    • Black Ice

      • Fixed an issue that caused the Black Ice rune to stop functioning. (1/27)

Witch Doctor

  • Fetish Army

    • Fixed an issue where fetishes could stop casting Poison Dart while using the Carnevil Legendary Voodoo Mask (1/20)

Adventure Mode

  • Set Dungeons

    • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when a Set Dungeon begins, but there is not a valid portal saved (1/20)
    • Fixed an issue where taking fatal damage in a Set Dungeon could cause the Set Dungeon to be empty the next time it was entered (1/20)

    • Dungeon of Firebird's Finery

      • Fixed an issue where completing the objective to set 20 enemies on fire 6 times would prevent the objective to hit enemies with the Revive Meteor from tracking (1/14)

    • Dungeon of Roland's Legacy

      • Fixed an issue where players would not always be properly be prompted with the completion window if they kill all monsters before the time expires (1/14)

  • Bounties

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the Wortham Survivors bounty to become unable to be completed. (2/11)


  • Fixed an issue where Carnevil would impact non-Witch Doctor pets summoned by items (1/14)
  • Fixed an issue where the transmog item, Lachdanan's Stormshield, was dropping as Legendary quality instead of Common (1/14)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the movement speed bonus provided by a rank 25 Wreath of Lightning to stop functioning. (1/27)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Custom Engineering Hellfire Amulet to stop functioning after a period of time. (2/11)
[Post edited three times, last edit by Kauza at February-11-2016 5:28 PM PST (8 years ago)]
Avatar of Kauza
Patch 2.4.0 Hotfixes - Updated 1/20(9)January-20-2016 5:24 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
The following hotfixes have been applied today, 1-20. Note that some of these were previously listed as upcoming hotfixes; they have now been pushed live.


  • Fixed a crash that would occur when the Skeleton King attempts to continue to whirlwind after he has been defeated (1/20)
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent some players from logging in (1/20)


  • Black Hole

    • Fixed an issue where enemies affected by both Black Hole - Event Horizon and Taunt would remain at 1 hit point and be unable to be killed (1/20)

Witch Doctor

  • Fetish Army

    • Fixed an issue where fetishes could stop casting Poison Dart while using the Carnevil Legendary Voodoo Mask (1/20)

Adventure Mode

  • Set Dungeons

  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when a Set Dungeon begins, but there is not a valid portal saved (1/20)
  • Fixed an issue where taking fatal damage in a Set Dungeon could cause the Set Dungeon to be empty the next time it was entered (1/20)
[Post edited one time, last edit by Kauza at January-20-2016 5:24 PM PST (9 years ago)]
Avatar of Kauza
Patch 2.4.0 Hotfixes - Updated 1/27(10)January-27-2016 5:43 PM PST (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
More hotfixes! We've applied the following fixes as of today, January 27th.


  • Fixed an issue where Armor Scavengers (Primordial Scavengers) would not lose their armor when hit by pets. (1/27)


  • Ray of Frost

    • Black Ice

      • Fixed an issue that caused the Black Ice rune to stop functioning. (1/27)

Demon Hunter

  • Impale

    • Fixed an issue where the 6 piece Shadow's Mantle set bonus would cause Impale to inherit the damage type of an equipped weapon when being used with Convention of Elements. (1/27)


  • Wreath of Lightning

    • Fixed an issue that caused the movement speed bonus provided by a rank 25 Wreath of Lightning to stop functioning. (1/27)
Avatar of Kauza
Patch 2.4.0 Hotfixes - Updated 2/11(11)February-11-2016 5:25 PM PST (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Two more hotfixes have been deployed today, February 11th.

Adventure Mode

  • Bounties

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the Wortham Survivors bounty to become unable to be completed. (2/11)


  • Hellfire Amulet

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the Custom Engineering Hellfire Amulet to stop functioning after a period of time. (2/11)
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