Monk Runes by Popularity in Patch 2.3

Archive of the Monk runes for active skills at level 70 during patch 2.3

  • Note: This is historical data from characters at the end of Diablo III PC patch 2.3. See the current Monk Runes charts for the latest data, from the current Diablo III patch.
  • These are charts of all the Diablo III Monk runes, ranked from the most to least popular rune, as of the end of Patch 2.3.
  • This data is archived from more than 6 million Diablo III characters in patch 2.3. See the Patch 2.3 Data Archive for details on the data.
Charts Last Updated: January 20, 2016

All Monk Runes Ranked by Popularity

  • These charts show every Monk rune, based on their popularity by level 70 Monks in patch 2.3. As players choose the best Monk runes for their skills, those choices generate data of the most popular Monk runes.
  • The chart on the left ranks the runes by popularity of use of softcore Monks, while the chart on the right lists them by popularity among hardcore Monks.
  • The Percent column in these charts is the percentage of all Monks who use that particular rune, of the level 70 Monks active in patch 2.3.
  • Select any rune or skill to view full information and statistics about it.
Runes by Popularity - Monk Softcore
1Desert ShroudEpiphany51.70
2AgilityMantra of Salvation33.00
3Blinding SpeedDashing Strike30.60
4Impending DoomExploding Palm29.90
5Sustained AttackSeven-Sided Strike23.90
6ImplosionCyclone Strike21.70
7Forbidden PalaceInner Sanctuary21.60
8AssimilationWay of the Hundred Fists21.10
9Infused with LightBreath of Heaven16.40
10SustenanceMantra of Healing14.40
11Enduring AllyMystic Ally13.60
12RadianceDashing Strike13.40
13Fists of FuryWay of the Hundred Fists9.70
14Soothing LightBlinding Flash9.30
15Static ChargeFists of Thunder8.84
16QuicksilverDashing Strike8.80
18Air AllyMystic Ally7.90
19Fire AllyMystic Ally7.70
20Way of the Falling StarDashing Strike7.60
21QuickeningFists of Thunder7.50
22Breaking WaveCrippling Wave6.60
23Inner StormSweeping Wind5.50
25TransgressionMantra of Retribution5.10
26MangleCrippling Wave4.90
27AnnihilationMantra of Conviction4.70
28Pillar of the AncientsWave of Light4.60
29OveraweMantra of Conviction4.20
30Shocking GraspExploding Palm3.90
31TsunamiCrippling Wave3.70
32Wall of WindCyclone Strike2.92
33CycloneSweeping Wind2.90
34Faith in the LightBlinding Flash2.70
35BarrageDashing Strike2.30
36PerseveranceMantra of Salvation2.20
37Hands of LightningWay of the Hundred Fists2.10
38TailwindTempest Rush2.00
39Wind through the ReedsMantra of Salvation1.90
40Soothing BreezeCyclone Strike1.84
41Explosive LightWave of Light1.80
42Inner FireEpiphany1.70
43Blazing FistsWay of the Hundred Fists1.60
44FlurryTempest Rush1.50
45ThunderclapFists of Thunder1.40
46Eye of the StormCyclone Strike1.40
47Spinning Flame KickLashing Tail Kick1.34
48Rising TideCrippling Wave1.33
49The Flesh is WeakExploding Palm1.32
50Circular BreathingMantra of Healing1.30
51Replenishing LightBlinding Flash1.21
52Wind BlastFists of Thunder1.21
53Blazing WrathBreath of Heaven1.20
54Scorpion StingLashing Tail Kick1.12
55Northern BreezeTempest Rush1.10
56Time of NeedMantra of Healing1.01
57Essence BurnExploding Palm1.00
58Sudden AssaultSeven-Sided Strike0.90
59Scattered BlowsDeadly Reach0.80
60Empowered WaveWave of Light0.74
61Fulminating OnslaughtSeven-Sided Strike0.74
62Fire StormSweeping Wind0.72
63Hard TargetMantra of Salvation0.71
64Earth AllyMystic Ally0.70
65IntimidationMantra of Conviction0.65
66SunburstCyclone Strike0.64
67Vulture Claw KickLashing Tail Kick0.61
68Windforce FlurryWay of the Hundred Fists0.61
69Master of WindSweeping Wind0.60
70Peaceful ReposeSerenity0.60
71DisheartenMantra of Conviction0.60
72Soothing MistEpiphany0.56
73Unwelcome DisturbanceSerenity0.53
74Strong SpiritExploding Palm0.53
75Circle of LifeBreath of Heaven0.51
76PandemoniumSeven-Sided Strike0.51
77Self ReflectionBlinding Flash0.50
78Blade StormSweeping Wind0.50
79Safe HavenInner Sanctuary0.44
80Bounding LightFists of Thunder0.44
81Boon of InspirationMantra of Healing0.43
82ConcussionCrippling Wave0.42
83ForesightDeadly Reach0.42
84Water AllyMystic Ally0.42
86RetaliationMantra of Retribution0.34
87SubmissionMantra of Conviction0.34
88Heavenly BodyMantra of Healing0.32
89Shattering LightWave of Light0.32
90Divine ProtectionMantra of Salvation0.30
91Electric FieldTempest Rush0.23
93ZephyrBreath of Heaven0.23
94Hand of YtarLashing Tail Kick0.22
95Wall of LightWave of Light0.22
96Searing GraspDeadly Reach0.21
97Instant KarmaSerenity0.21
98IncinerateSeven-Sided Strike0.20
99Circle of ScornBreath of Heaven0.20
100IndignationMantra of Retribution0.16
101Collateral DamageMantra of Retribution0.15
102BlusterTempest Rush0.15
103InterveneInner Sanctuary0.15
104Sanctified GroundInner Sanctuary0.15
105Temple of ProtectionInner Sanctuary0.15
106Strike from BeyondDeadly Reach0.11
107Piercing TridentDeadly Reach0.11
108Mystifying LightBlinding Flash0.10
109Against All OddsMantra of Retribution0.10
110Sweeping ArmadaLashing Tail Kick0.00
Runes by Popularity - Monk Hardcore
1Desert ShroudEpiphany46.60
2AgilityMantra of Salvation33.80
3Blinding SpeedDashing Strike32.00
4Impending DoomExploding Palm27.50
5Sustained AttackSeven-Sided Strike25.20
6AssimilationWay of the Hundred Fists19.60
7ImplosionCyclone Strike17.80
8Forbidden PalaceInner Sanctuary15.00
9SustenanceMantra of Healing13.20
10QuicksilverDashing Strike13.00
11Enduring AllyMystic Ally12.30
12Soothing LightBlinding Flash10.50
13QuickeningFists of Thunder8.80
14Infused with LightBreath of Heaven8.60
15Air AllyMystic Ally7.20
16RadianceDashing Strike6.70
17Way of the Falling StarDashing Strike6.42
18TsunamiCrippling Wave6.40
19Fire AllyMystic Ally6.12
21Fists of FuryWay of the Hundred Fists5.10
22Static ChargeFists of Thunder4.90
23BarrageDashing Strike4.70
24MangleCrippling Wave4.63
25Inner StormSweeping Wind4.60
26Shocking GraspExploding Palm4.40
27Pillar of the AncientsWave of Light4.30
29PerseveranceMantra of Salvation3.90
30Soothing BreezeCyclone Strike3.74
31Breaking WaveCrippling Wave3.70
32Wind through the ReedsMantra of Salvation3.60
33Spinning Flame KickLashing Tail Kick3.30
34Hands of LightningWay of the Hundred Fists2.70
35CycloneSweeping Wind2.60
36Wall of WindCyclone Strike2.32
37Hard TargetMantra of Salvation2.30
38ThunderclapFists of Thunder2.10
39Explosive LightWave of Light1.90
40TransgressionMantra of Retribution1.82
41OveraweMantra of Conviction1.80
42Circular BreathingMantra of Healing1.73
43AnnihilationMantra of Conviction1.70
44Eye of the StormCyclone Strike1.64
45Blazing FistsWay of the Hundred Fists1.60
46Rising TideCrippling Wave1.53
47Peaceful ReposeSerenity1.50
48Inner FireEpiphany1.50
49The Flesh is WeakExploding Palm1.42
50Faith in the LightBlinding Flash1.40
51Essence BurnExploding Palm1.32
52Sudden AssaultSeven-Sided Strike1.32
53Earth AllyMystic Ally1.31
54Time of NeedMantra of Healing1.31
55Divine ProtectionMantra of Salvation1.30
56Wind BlastFists of Thunder1.20
57Vulture Claw KickLashing Tail Kick1.11
58Self ReflectionBlinding Flash1.10
59TailwindTempest Rush1.02
60Fire StormSweeping Wind1.02
61Replenishing LightBlinding Flash1.01
62Empowered WaveWave of Light1.00
63FlurryTempest Rush0.95
64Scorpion StingLashing Tail Kick0.92
65Windforce FlurryWay of the Hundred Fists0.91
66Northern BreezeTempest Rush0.90
67Circle of LifeBreath of Heaven0.90
68Fulminating OnslaughtSeven-Sided Strike0.84
69Scattered BlowsDeadly Reach0.84
70Strong SpiritExploding Palm0.83
71ConcussionCrippling Wave0.82
72Instant KarmaSerenity0.81
73Blazing WrathBreath of Heaven0.81
74Master of WindSweeping Wind0.80
75Blade StormSweeping Wind0.80
76Unwelcome DisturbanceSerenity0.73
77PandemoniumSeven-Sided Strike0.70
78SunburstCyclone Strike0.64
79Water AllyMystic Ally0.62
80Heavenly BodyMantra of Healing0.62
81Bounding LightFists of Thunder0.60
82Soothing MistEpiphany0.56
83Safe HavenInner Sanctuary0.54
85ForesightDeadly Reach0.50
86Sanctified GroundInner Sanctuary0.45
87IntimidationMantra of Conviction0.45
88Circle of ScornBreath of Heaven0.40
89Boon of InspirationMantra of Healing0.40
90Electric FieldTempest Rush0.33
91Wall of LightWave of Light0.32
92Shattering LightWave of Light0.32
93Searing GraspDeadly Reach0.31
94IncinerateSeven-Sided Strike0.30
95DisheartenMantra of Conviction0.30
96BlusterTempest Rush0.25
97InterveneInner Sanctuary0.25
98Temple of ProtectionInner Sanctuary0.25
99RetaliationMantra of Retribution0.24
100SubmissionMantra of Conviction0.24
101Hand of YtarLashing Tail Kick0.22
102Piercing TridentDeadly Reach0.21
103Mystifying LightBlinding Flash0.20
105IndignationMantra of Retribution0.16
106ZephyrBreath of Heaven0.13
107Strike from BeyondDeadly Reach0.11
108Collateral DamageMantra of Retribution0.10
109Sweeping ArmadaLashing Tail Kick0.02
110Against All OddsMantra of Retribution0.00

Top Rune for Each Monk Skill

  • These charts show the single most popular rune for each Monk active skill, among level 70 Monks active in patch 2.3. The runes are listed from the most popular for their skill, to the least popular. This makes it easy to see which active skills have one rune that is extremely popular at level 70.
  • The chart on the left shows the rune choices by softcore Monks, and the chart on the right lists the most popular runes among hardcore Monks.
  • Select any rune or skill to view the full information and statistics about it.
Want more historical data from patch 2.3? See the Patch 2.3 Data Archive for other charts.
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