Seven-Sided Strike
Level Required: 17
Skill Type: Focus
Skill Type: Focus
Cost: 50 Spirit
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Dash rapidly between nearby enemies, dealing 5677% weapon damage over 7 strikes.
This ability does not start its cooldown until after its effects expire.
Element: Physical
Runes for Seven-Sided Strike
Skill Runes | Level | Element |
Sudden Assault Teleport to the enemy and increase damage dealt to 8285% weapon damage as Lightning over 7 strikes. | 23 | Lightning |
Incinerate Seven-Sided Strike causes enemies to burn for 630% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds. | 29 | Fire |
Pandemonium Removes the Spirit cost and enemies hit by Seven-Sided Strike are Frozen for 7 seconds. | 37 | Cold |
Sustained Attack Reduce the cooldown to 14 seconds. | 43 | Physical |
Fulminating Onslaught Each strike explodes, dealing 877% weapon damage as Holy in a 7 yard radius around the enemy. | 60 | Holy |
Note: Information on this page is based on a level 70 Monk.
Seven-Sided Strike Rune Popularity
- This chart shows the popularity of the runes for the Seven-Sided Strike Monk active skill. Select the blue bars for softcore data, the red bars for hardcore data, or view all the rune statistics in the table display.
- These are the Seven-Sided Strike runes as chosen by level 70 Monks who are currently playing the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls on PC or Mac in patch 2.3. It can also guide Monks looking to pick the best Seven-Sided Strike runes in Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition on consoles - the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
- See other Monk skill data in the Most Popular Monk Builds and Skills charts.
Seven-Sided Strike Rune Popularity Chart
Popularity percentages for Seven-Sided Strike runes, as used by level 70 hardcore and softcore Monks. Hightlight the bars on the chart to see the percentages for each Seven-Sided Strike rune.
Seven-Sided Strike Rune Popularity Table
Popularity percentages for the Seven-Sided Strike runes used by level 70 softcore and hardcore Monks.
Rune | Softcore % | Hardcore % |
Sustained Attack | 91.5 | 89.4 |
Sudden Assault | 3.4 | 4.4 |
Fulminating Onslaught | 2.5 | 2.8 |
Pandemonium | 1.8 | 2.5 |
Incinerate | 0.9 | 0.9 |
No Rune | 0 | 0 |
Charts Last Updated: November 3, 2018