Tiny Technical Test on PTR

Patch 2.3.0b makes a brief appearance on the Public Test Realm

Diablo III Public Test Realm
All the talk at BlizzCon 2015 is now over, and the time for testing has begun! A small update on the Public Test Realm has set up the technical test for patch 2.3.0b. This patch does not have content changes, but if players log on to the PTR it will help the technicians gathering data. In just a couple of days the real fun will begin, when Patch 2.4 arrives on the PTR!

Update: Since the 2.4.0 PTR is now live, going to go ahead and lock down this thread.

Thanks all!


Hey all,

As some of you may have noticed, the PTR is currently live with the 2.3.0a patch, which is identical to our live servers. I wanted to take a sec to explain what's going on.

Later this evening, we'll be deploying a 2.3.0b Patch to the PTR. This patch does not have content changes, but a lot of behind the scenes stuff that has to do with our data and migration. It's sort of a bridge patch that leads to 2.4.0, and if you want to help us test this, all you need to do is log in.

After we give this a day or so to breathe, we are hoping to launch Patch 2.4.0 for testing later this week for you all to tackle head-on. At that time, we'll open up the PTR Feedback and Bug Report forums, post patch notes, and the whole regular shebang.

The reason we're not doing our regular run of communications for 2.3.0a/b is because, well, we don't really need people to give feedback or report bugs. We just need to look at data and check how things are going behind the scenes.

This part of testing is still important to us, though, so we'd appreciate if you'd pop in and poke around a bit. We can't wait to get 2.4.0 in your hands for testing!
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