'Play Your Way' VOD Available

Multiple Monks are part of the round 8 'Play Your Way' stream

Play Your Way Livestream on Twitch
The Play Your Way Twitch livestream on Thursday was full of Greater Rifts, manic-Monk style! Brandy "Nevalistis" Camel was joined by DemonCoyote#1661 and streamer Quin69, along with Diablo III environment artist Joshua Manning. They plowed through Greater Rifts while discussing the deadly traps and other environmental art in the game. Check out the video for all the fun!

This past Thursday, I spent some time streaming the build you voted for: DemonCoyote's "Speed-of-Lightning Ninja" Monk. If you happened to miss the live broadcast, have no fear—a quick show recap and VOD are here!

Joined by DemonCoyote#1661, environment artist Joshua Manning, and top-notch Twitch streamer and Monk extraordinaire Quin69, we tackled a few Greater Rifts while we chatted about Monks, set item art, and environments. Running two Monks, a support Crusader, and a Whirlwind Barbarian, we tore our way between Greater Rifts 33-41 while avoiding death to the best of our ability.

If you were unable to catch the show live, the video below has you covered. You can also watch it directly on our official Twitch and YouTube channels.

Curious about the builds we used? Here's what we were rolling with:

Thanks to everyone who tuned in and/or cheered us along in chat. Remember to keep playing your way (and to send in those builds)!

The next Play Your Way round will resume next week on Thursday, June 25  and will feature the Crusader, Wizard, Demon Hunter, and Witch Doctor. Until then, we'll see you in Sanctuary and may all your loot be Legendary!

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