Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Topic Blue Poster Category Last Update Original Poster
Upcoming Hotfix for Blood Thief Exploit (UPDATED)
LylirraGeneral9 years agoLylirra
Blood Shard exploiters getting around punishment
LylirraGeneral9 years agoBenzinR #1648
Banned a critic, but won't ban the worst offenders?
LylirraGeneral9 years agoAffectation #1988
To Blizzard, regarding those who were rolled back~
LylirraGeneral9 years agoSnowflake #1467
Blood Thief Goblin Disabled on PS4/XB1
LylirraConsole9 years agoLylirra
Why Is The Game Server Going Down and for How Long?
LylirraGeneral9 years agohawkeye #1460
Blood Shard Exploit - No Punishment?
LylirraGeneral9 years agoWheeler #1977
Blood Shard Exploit... Blizz Are You Serious?
LylirraGeneral9 years agoErotica #1744
Patch 2.2.0 PTR Info - Please Read!
LylirraPTR Feedback9 years agoLylirra
Why no microtransactions in US/EU ?
LylirraGeneral9 years agoArmorpiercer #2726
Buying Stash Space via Microtrans'?? Seriously?
LylirraGeneral9 years agoSatsui #1575
Content Yes! Microtransactions No!
LylirraGeneral9 years agoblackharvard #1437
Why no microtransactions on US/EU server as OPTION
LylirraGeneral9 years agoArmorpiercer #2726
Blizzard trying Microtransactions in other Regions.
LylirraGeneral9 years agoTheForgrim #1935
You're selling XP boosts to Asia?
LylirraGeneral9 years agoVekkul #1152
OMG Microtransactions, Thank you! <3
LylirraGeneral9 years agoBdon87 #1549
Pay To Win Coming Soon
LylirraGeneral9 years agoLumajo #2271
Cosmetics are fine, EXP boosters are not.
LylirraGeneral9 years agoPKHustle #1444
Micro Transactions, Stash, Stockholm Syndrome and You
LylirraGeneral9 years agoMochan #6907
Lodge all your complaints with this game on Feb 10
LylirraGeneral9 years agoCMC #1312
Latest hotfix: Grift gearswap fixed
LylirraGeneral9 years agoMiranna #2422
Just killed Nevalistist
LylirraGeneral10 years agoDedmnwlkn #1495
West Coast Bias!
LylirraGeneral10 years agoFrankwrench #1457
So you're deleting 20 page long topics again huh?
LylirraGeneral10 years agoKyrone #2959
Looks like "Play Your Way Thursdays" is over.
LylirraGeneral10 years agosaltybeard #1137
Email Address "" No Longer Monitored
LylirraGeneral10 years agoStoneCold #1821
The best part of browsing the forums...
LylirraGeneral10 years agoyxas007 #1897
New idea to stop spam troll posting.
LylirraGeneral10 years agoParminio #1946
Absolutely Pathetic !!!
LylirraGeneral10 years agoPunchingbag #1392
Telling lies again....
LylirraGeneral10 years agoHenryScott #1776
LylirraGeneral10 years agoDeAthMrcHnt #1502
DDoS? Login Que 20min.
LylirraGeneral10 years agoBug #1896
Last word from Blizzard
LylirraGeneral10 years agoSkrewed #1685
Let's go Already...
LylirraGeneral10 years agoWyrmSlyr #1873
Blizzard servers = BAD
LylirraGeneral10 years agoGiterdun #1791
Server Authentication Issue
LylirraGeneral10 years agoOptix #1565
Bonus XP Buff is Back!
LylirraGeneral10 years agoDeath #1648
Legendary Workshop - Idea Submission Thread
LylirraGeneral10 years agoTyvalir
Fansites & Other Resources
LylirraGeneral10 years agoLylirra
+100% Bonus to EXP // Double Treasure Goblins
LylirraConsole10 years agoLylirra
Bonus exp buff question...when does it start?
LylirraConsole10 years agograsshopper #1309
Name your single biggest issue with Diablo right now
LylirraGeneral10 years agoelevate #1156
Welcome! Please Read
LylirraClans & Communities10 years agoLylirra
Upcoming Hotfixes: Disabled Event Bounties
LylirraGeneral10 years agoLylirra
Seasons Items Transfer Questions (Need Bluepost)
LylirraGeneral10 years agowtfitsmark #6148
New Player Q&A Series: The Fresh Meat N' Greet
LylirraGeneral10 years agoLylirra
Patch 2.1.0 Hotfixes - Updated 9/16
LylirraGeneral10 years agoNevalistis
Season 1 Launches Friday, August 29
LylirraGeneral10 years agoLylirra
Achievement Display Bug
LylirraGeneral10 years agoTyvalir
Wow! I never knew Nevalistis was a Female!
LylirraGeneral10 years agoPanji #1990
Login and Connection Issues - August 25 (UPDATED)
LylirraGeneral10 years agoAraxom
Why has Blizzard removed ALS Post????????
LylirraGeneral10 years agoRednaskam #1153
A little confused (Xbox 360 ---> Xbox One)
LylirraConsole10 years agoLibertyTits #1932
Id like a straight up answer from Blizz pleas
LylirraConsole10 years agoNoblemann
Will RoS be a day 1 digital download on PS3?
LylirraConsole10 years agoOSTRYKER3932 #1405
Ps4 hard copy vs. ps4 digital copy
LylirraConsole10 years agoMeethereaper #1505
PTR 2.1 Questions
LylirraMonk10 years agoKensai #1140
Welcome Tyvalir!
LylirraGeneral10 years agoLylirra
If I buy UEE for ps3 for now...
LylirraConsole10 years agoBlaineTrain #1695
PTR Season 2 Now Live [UPDATED]
LylirraPTR Feedback10 years agoLylirra
Diablo 3: Sword Of Wisdom
LylirraGeneral10 years agokerad #2828
X360 gets a patch update today
LylirraConsole10 years agoWolfspyda #6719
Cross-platform saves import confirmed for UEE
LylirraConsole10 years agoTozziFan #1943
1-100 of 2103
Feedback for Diablo Somepage