Hardcore Deaths as of Patch 1.0.8

Charts of the Diablo III characters who have died in hardcore mode, as of Patch 1.0.8

  • Note: This is historical data, from the characters as of the end of Diablo III PC patch 1.0.8. See the current Hardcore Deaths charts for the latest data, from the current Diablo III patch.
  • The hardcore mode in Diablo III is ruthless: when a hardcore character dies, it is dead forever.
  • The charts below reflect Diablo III hardcore characters who have died, from the data gathered of more than 3 million characters by the end of patch 1.0.8.
Charts Last Updated: March 3, 2014
Dead Hardcore versus Live Hardcore
  • This chart compares the number of hardcore characters for each class. The red bars show data from the live hardcore characters, while the black bars reflect the dead hardcore characters.
  • The data shows which classes have more dead characters, by comparing the live versus dead percentage for a specific class.
  • When comparing the percentage of hardcore characters of a specific class who died, against the live hardcore characters for that class, the Monk and Witch Doctors fare the best. This includes deaths while leveling, and at level 60.
  • The Barbarian class is by far the most popular hero class to play in hardcore mode. The Monk is next, followed by the three ranged classes with about equal popularity.
Surviving to Level 60
  • This table shows the average chance of surviving to level 60 for characters of each class.
  • This is calculated by comparing the number of hardcore characters in a class who made it to level 60, to the amount who died at levels 1-59. The number listed is the percentage of hardcore characters in the class who survived all the way to level 60. This does not include all the hardcore characters who died once they reached level 60.
  • The Witch Doctor class is the least likely to die while leveling. Witch Doctors can escape many risky situations, with a combination of pets to absorb dangerous attacks, and powerful survival skills like Spirit Walk and Spirit Vessel.
Survival Rate to Level 60
ClassSurvival Rate
Demon Hunter48.1%
Witch Doctor72.4%
Hardcore Deaths by Level
  • The Deaths by Level charts answer the question: at what level do hardcore characters die?
  • The chart to the left lists the levels that hardcore characters had achieved when they died. Many hardcore characters die in the first 20 levels, and then there are fewer deaths from levels 20-59. Once characters make it to level 60, the rest of the deaths are there.
  • The charts below show the same data, broken down by each class.
Class Hardcore Deaths by Level
  • The Class Deaths by Level charts show the hardcore deaths for each class.
  • Much like the table above, these charts show the Witch Doctor as the most durable class, when it comes to surviving the leveling process up to level 60.
Want more patch 1.0.8 data? See the Archive of Data for Diablo III PC Patch 1.0.8 for other charts.