Avatar of Grimeval #6539
Grimeval #6539
Where the hell is inspect button?(1)Category: GeneralJanuary-12-2016 8:03 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
seriously? why remove it? now i cant help my friend in his gearing if i cant see what he's currently wearing...
Avatar of Wyatt Cheng
Wyatt Cheng
Where the hell is inspect button?(65)January-13-2016 1:22 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hi everybody.

The intention was to remove the Inspect option and integrate it directly into View Profile so that when you clicked View Profile you would get a fresh "up to date" version of the profile if available.

Those who played on PTR probably remember it working this way. It made sense - the two were very similar - and Inspect is turned off when you're not in a game or the other player is too far away. We would like to combine those two and have the game intelligent use the more up to date one when available.

EDIT: There is an update on this that supercedes information in this post: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/20418542767?page=4#79

(the next two paragraphs are now stale but left here for reference)
Unfortunately, between the end of PTR and 2.4 going live, the "up to date" portion of the View Profile broke! :( So now Inspect is gone and the new replacement functionality is missing. Obviously this is less than ideal. I was in a game yesterday helping a friend who wanted a recommendation on how to spend his blood shards and the lack of Inspect made this frustrating.

No ETA on a fix, and unfortunately due to the nature of the bug it is probably not going to be hotfixed, so it'll have to wait until a future patch. :(
(end stale information)
[Post edited one time, last edit by Wyatt Cheng at January-13-2016 2:33 PM PST (9 years ago)]
Avatar of Wyatt Cheng
Wyatt Cheng
Where the hell is inspect button?(79)January-13-2016 2:17 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hi everybody,

Quick update on this.

After looking at reports and testing it seems the underlying functionality is working correctly but the feedback in the user interface is inadequate.

Patch 2.3:
View Profile was always available but the results were not guaranteed to be up to date (usually based on when the person last entered/left a game)
Inspect was NOT always available (had to be within 100 yards of other player) but the results were always current of what the player is wearing.

What is currently live:
Functionality of View Profile and Inspect have been merged. If the other person is not in range, you get the same information as View Profile before. If the other person is in range for Inspect, then you get the most current information of what the player is wearing.

However, there is no interface feedback at whether you are looking at a "Live" version of a "Cached" version of the data. This is understandably confusing and something we'll look at.

To summarize: View Profile works and if you're within 100 yards of your target you are given a live view of them.
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