Avatar of JaqenHghar #1365
JaqenHghar #1365
CAPCHA? What?(1)Category: GeneralJune-13-2015 7:53 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I love the Forums. I don't always agree with everything people post and people don't always agree with me, but they have been fun.

Now, for some unknown reason, we have capcha's before we can post. This is nonsense. This is also my last post since I refuse to put up with this. It is an annoying waste of time.

Thanks Blizzard. You guys are really out of touch on this one.
Avatar of Tyvalir
CAPCHA? What?(46)June-15-2015 5:56 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: JaqenHghar

Now, for some unknown reason, we have capcha's before we can post.

Posted by: DoomBringer

I haven't gotten one just yet. Perhaps later...

Hey guys, just wanted to clear up some confusion here.

We're currently testing technology, including CAPTCHA challenges, to reduce the number of automated posts that appear in the forums. This applies to all posting accounts, so you may see CAPTCHA challenges when you post. We're continuing to improve this feature, and we appreciate your patience in the meantime. Thanks!
Avatar of Tyvalir
CAPCHA? What?(131)June-17-2015 10:11 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: TheTias

Let me make it clear here - I'm not talking about failed captchas, I'm talking about more than one consecutive captcha just to submit one post.

Posted by: CrayZ

So if your account is logged in with an authenticator, you should not have to try to read 200 year old text and translate books for Google.

Posted by: Bloodyzbub

I totally understand the need to kill the spam, I fail to understand why there isn't a surgical implementation of a solution vs CARPET BOMBING.

Thanks for providing such detailed feedback. I'm sending these comments directly to the team tackling our forum spam. Obviously, we want legitimate players of the game to be able to post, and I appreciate you guys bearing with us in the mean time!
Avatar of Tyvalir
CAPCHA? What?(273)July-7-2015 3:04 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: Grimmig

Before I had to do a capcha every time I posted. Since July I have to do one or more capchas per post because it will sometimes delete the post after the capcha or log me out.

Just a quick note here: We've updated our system for combatting forum spam. As a result, you should not be seeing CAPTCHA challenges on the Diablo III forums, but please let us know if you do. Thanks to everyone for their patience as we've been testing these solutions!
[Post edited one time, last edit by Nevalistis at July-8-2015 10:01 AM PDT (10 years ago)]
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