Avatar of Drothvader #1215
Drothvader #1215
For those that have quit, may I ask why?(1)Category: GeneralDecember-18-2014 4:51 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
And what could be added to bring you back to playing the game?

So I wanted to spark a conversation today because, well, why not. There are many a player who since the launch of RoS have thrown in the towel and called it quits (Myself included) and I wanted to take a moment to tackle this specific question.

Now, you don't have to go super in depth, but try to in about 500 words describe why you have quit Diablo and what could be done to bring you back as a player?

I'll go first.

Why did I quit Diablo?

Well, put in the most simple terms progression in this game feels especially jarring. Once I have completed the set that I have been looking for my item hunt boils down to a very select pool of just a few items that I have to find. More often than not, this is a weapon, amulet, or ring.

I then spend the rest of my time in game looking for that one specific item that I'll never find and I feel as though it's pointless to continue playing when the odds are stacked so heavily against me.

Overall, I feel the journey is lacking and I am way too focused on the end destination. There isn't a diverse enough pool of items to play with at endgame and there are a handful of items that rule them all.

What would bring me back to Diablo?

Well, I do plan on jumping into Season 2 and trying out the journey again but what will really get me to stick to it and keep playing is if the journey was made a little less jarring. What this means is that the super powerful rare items were maybe a little less rare and a little less powerful. If there were more items that I could play with at endgame, I would focus more on looking for items with great stats instead of looking for that one item that will finally allow me to play a specific build.

Now I realize that there are some changes coming in the future patch that help mitigate this somewhat. For example, item weighting has been adjusted so that the super rare items aren't quite so rare. I think this is a very nice change to endgame and will result in less shock moving forward.

Ancient items might also help with this because after I've completed a normal set there's still a chance that I could find an Ancient version of that item. This widens the pool of items that I'm actually looking for.

Whether or not this will renew my interest in the game? I'm not sure. One thing is for certain though, I will definitely try it at least one more time to see if the changes are lucrative enough to go forward.

Now, what are the reasons you guys quit the game and what could be added to bring you back?
Avatar of Tyvalir
For those that have quit, may I ask why?(502)January-2-2015 2:32 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey everyone, thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts on this and to Droth for the original post requesting player feedback. I've only read through the first few pages so far, but I've already seen a lot of good thoughts and ideas that I'll be passing to the development team. I'm looking forward to reading the rest and passing that on as well.

You've all really outdone yourselves with sharing good feedback here. Whether you realize it or not, these conversations help us to achieve a broader perspective of the game than we could ever get on our own, and I'm thankful to all of you for your passion and support as we continue to develop Diablo III.

TL;DR - This is awesome, and we appreciate it!
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