Avatar of bjornh #2928
bjornh #2928
GR56 with 0.22 sec remaining - Never give up!(1)Category: GeneralJune-19-2015 2:37 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Was just giving it a go at GR56 with my Wizard and really didn't expect to finish it on time. In retrospect, even one missed spell or basically anything gone wrong even once that whole run would've probably meant that it wasn't going to happen.


As a solo player I don't have access to a whole lot of higher level Greater Rift keys that I can just use and discard if the GR spawn isn't right, so I mostly just play the rifts I get. This wasn't even a particularly "good" GR spawn and I'd say an average+ mob density/mob type RNG. Can't wait until Blizzard gets rid of those trials.

“When you are going through hell, keep on going.
Never never never give up
- - Winston Churchill

Time: 14:59.783 - Any of you ever had a close call like this? :-)

Have a good one!
Avatar of Vaneras
GR56 with 0.22 sec remaining - Never give up!(2)June-19-2015 2:44 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Well done :-)

Never give up, Never surrender!
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