Avatar of auggydoggy #1495
auggydoggy #1495
Treasure goblin portals after the 2.2.1 patch(1)Category: GeneralJune-1-2015 3:51 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I am wondering about the absence of treasure goblin portals after the latest patch. Before the patch, I was averaging at least one every couple of days, and have not seen one since the patch. Are there still portals? Anybody getting those? I am using the boon of the hoarder gem, and wondering if this has a negative effect on portals. Anybody?
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I haven't seen one either since patch.
But then again i only got 2 overall in Season 3...
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You should get it approximately once a month.I do.
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I got one yesterday and it was my second since season 3 started, all playing season 3.

As with everything else in this game it is just RNG.
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i get 1 like every week 2 per week.just bad luck i guess.
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I think I may have inherited everyone elses goblin luck in the past week.
This week alone I've gotten.
1 Goblin vault while soloing.
2 Goblin vaults while playing with one other player.
About 20 Treasure goblins
4 Blood Thieves, my absolute favourite.
3 Gelatinous goblins, my second favourite.
14 Gem goblins
3 Goblin hordes

Before that I'd seen perhaps 2 goblins total per day.
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i have only gotten 1 vault this season..and honestly i dunno why people are so obsessed with vaults ? i find way more legendaries just doing solo gr37+ > And if you farm just 20 minutes with boon of the horder gem ranked 27 you get enough gold that is way more than a vault run. Whats the significance of vaults ? i never understood or is there something i don't know. Can anyone please kindly tell.
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The only reason i cared about the vault was to get boon of the hoarder, now that i have it i honestly don't care if a get it again.
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Community Manager
Posts: 2,951
Posted by: dangerousb

As with everything else in this game it is just RNG.

Pretty much this... some times you will encounter portals regularly, and other times they will be elusive :-)
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Avatar of Vaneras
Treasure goblin portals after the 2.2.1 patch(9)June-3-2015 1:09 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: dangerousb

As with everything else in this game it is just RNG.

Pretty much this... some times you will encounter portals regularly, and other times they will be elusive :-)
Avatar of Vaneras
Treasure goblin portals after the 2.2.1 patch(12)June-3-2015 7:04 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: Deucalion

And you're actually proud to say this?!

I do not believe I insinuated pride, but I'm aware that it is not always easy to convey emotional context in writing. I was merely trying to emphasise the fact that Diablo III is built with randomness being a decisive component of the game, hence why you may encounter some things regularly and other things rarely. The ":-)" I posted afterwards is my attempt at polite and friendly discourse :-)

Posted by: TheSinister

but in a game built around RNG, what's unsettling about a rare and rewarding event being rare?

There are many various degrees and layers of randomness in Diablo III, and almost no guarantees, so this is an interesting question I think.
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