Avatar of BokoTikvata #2642
BokoTikvata #2642
Fighting Rift Guardians [some tips] tl;dr(1)Category: GeneralMay-25-2015 2:08 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Playing range is different than playing melee...I know.
I play mostly public and I often (actually way too often) meet players who should have the knowledge (already) what to do when meet certain Rift Guardians .... but they dont.
So I decided to write some tips and tricks (from personal experience and observation).

I play range class but thats not entirely relevant 'cos while in party - it matters what are melee classes do.

Agnidox - Upgraded Demonic Hellflyer
- melee - do what you do
- range - if there is higher/lower ground -> stay there. You'll miss the range fire attacks BUT you have to watch out for the Desecrator pools.
In this case it is very important the melee players to keep Agnidox in range of the range players
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the poison nova attacks.
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck"/divert the poison nova attacks

Blighter - Upgraded Herald of Pestilence
Pretty much the same as Agnidox fight
The difference is that lower grounds are not that much safe. In some circumstances the poison nova attacks could kill you.
The other difference is that his "Ground tickler finger attack" wont reach you except if you are standing on stairs and he has a clear LoS (line of sight).
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the poison nova attacks.
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck"/divert the poison nova attacks

Bloodmaw - Upgraded Executioner
Without a good tank to keep him busy .... it will be messy.
Range classes must avoid staying in from of him....to avoid the leaping attack.

Bone Warlock - Upgraded Skeleton Summoner
The boss it self is easy. The problem occurs (especially on higher GRs) if too many skeletons are summoned.... so try to kill them fast. Especially because they also have RD affix (reflect damage)

Cold Snap - Upgraded Izual
This one is pain in ....
Finding higher or lower ground will save you from his charge attacks BUT wont save you from freezing attacks.
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck" the frozen orbs.
If you have the immunity amulet keep away from his charge attacks.

Crusader King - Upgraded Skeleton King
I'm sure that this is one of the most hated ones .... cos the jailer.
I'm using http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/item/invigorating-gemstone .... and jailer is not a problem for me. Yes, that means sacrificing damage for protection but dead I'm not doing damage at all
This boss is teleporting and he is not a "big" one so finding a safe spot is not an option.

Ember - Upgraded Morlu Caster
Very easy one with a good tank.
If the "tank" can "corner" it ... and sustain the whole damage .... its easy.

Erethon - Upgraded Corrupted Angel
Nasty poison nova attacks.
If there is a WD in the party with minions ...the minions can take those attacks.
Be aware of the charge attacks.The forthcoming animation is not visible (if it even exists). Don't stay together nor aligned 'cos the charge will 1 shot all of you.
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the poison nova attacks.
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck"/divert the poison nova attacks

Eskandiel - Upgraded Corpse Raiser
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck" the Arcane Enchanted.

Infernal Maiden - Upgraded Fire Maiden
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck" the flame attacks. There is a visible animation when such attack is about to be performed.
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the flame attacks.
The forthcoming animation of the teleport attack is not visible.

Man Carver - Upgraded The Butcher
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck" the "walls".
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the spear attacks (or at least could .... cos I've read somewhere that with the latest patch it was changed)
There is a visible animation when "hook" attack is about to be performed. Just move aside ...not backward/forward.
There is a visible animation when charge attack is about to be performed. Don't stay on its path.

Orlash - Upgraded Terror Demon
Ok .... There are some things you should know about this boss 'cos it is not that nasty as you might think.
- He can "wall" you right before his breath attack BUT you can walk away .. around him. Then say behind him.
- He summons 2 clones.
- Those clones are not targetable.
- They (the clones) shoot twice before disappear.
- There is a visible animation when "breath" attack is about to be performed by all of them and there is enough time to ...do something.
If you can find a cover BEHIND wall (like in Keep maps) - go there. The breath attack is very "long" so running backward is not an option.
Staying behind them is always a good choice.
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the breath attacks.

Perdition - Upgraded Rakanoth
Particularly nasty on higher GRs.
There is this trick you can use ...well not always 'cos it depends on map's layout.
This boss is large one. So ... if you are on a map with holes on the ground (particularly holes close to walls) ... there are those spots where you can go (narrow places) bu he cant (due to his large size)....
Go there ..he wont teleport+slash you. You can shoot him from there endlessly.
The only problem is that IF the tank moves away, dragging him off your range, and you leave this spot .... guess what happens.

Perendi - Upgraded Mallet Lord
The animation before the "falling rocks" ... I havent seen it so far.

Satrix - Upgraded Deceiver
Many of you would say: I hate this one.
Actually this boss is not that nasty BUT he needs a bit more.....tactics.
- There is this problem that occurs when there is a way too good tank in the party:
He is keeping the boss busy BUT the tornadoes are keeping the range players off range.
- There is this other situation (mostly map layout depended) when there is teleporting monk and the boss summons those "flies" everywhere and the range players are dealing mostly with them instead with the boss.

Recently I've played with other 3 range players and meet this boss.
There is this tactics you can use against him.
Retreat while staying off his vortex range.
Stay together (particularly important for teleporting wizards and monks ...and Vaulting DHs) ...do not separate (cos he will summon flies close to you) and the flies and tornadoes wont be sh1tted all over the place and will be either easily avoided or killed.

Stonesinger - Upgraded Sand Dweller
The most desirable one :D

Tethrys - Upgraded Succubus
Nothing special.

The Binder - Upgraded Cydaea
Projectile poison attacks can 1shot range players on higher GRs.
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck" the projectiles.
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the projectiles.
Easy boss :D

Raiziel - Upgraded Exarch
Nasty for melee ... not that much for range
Wizard's Black Hole+Event Horizon rune can "suck" the projectiles.
Wizard's Slow Time can slow the projectiles .... but then it is even nastier for melee.

Rime - Upgraded Xah'Rith the Keywarden
If you have immunity amulet you'll kill it....
He teleports waaaaay too often.

Sand Shaper - Upgraded Zoltan Kulle
- Tornadoes are not moving anymore - good for range classes
- The forthcoming animation of the "falling rocks" is not visible (if even exists).

Voracity - Upgraded Ghom
Annoying one.
Using the same tactics as vs Satrix is really useful.
Good part is that the boss doesnt have the vortex affix and that makes it way easier.
- There is this situation that happens almost every time I meet this boss:
The tank is keeping him in place and everywhere is filled with poison fume.... Short after that only the tank is fighting him cos the range players cant even see him (the boss).
- or ..the other one: Everyone is running for his own life and Voracity farts everything.
- Always stay together. Very close to each other.
If you separate (particularly important for teleporting wizards and monks ...and Vaulting DHs) Voracity WILL fart all the place and WILL leave you off range.
- Tanks should retreat WITH you.
- Those bubbles that Voracity spits are not that dangerous .... don't run too much from them.
- Retreat slowly
- Try staying on the edge of the poison cloud.

I hope you'll find those tips useful.
If you have something to add ...please by all means do it
Avatar of Vaneras
Fighting Rift Guardians [some tips] tl;dr(2)May-25-2015 2:48 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: BokoTikvata

I decided to write some tips and tricks (from personal experience and observation)

Nice initiative BokoTikvata, I'm sure this will prove helpful to those who are still not familiar with all the different Rift Guardians :-)

Also, this would be a good thread for everyone to share their own tips and tricks for fighting Rift Guardians, hence the blue-tag :-D
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