Avatar of Pissedjedi #1639
Pissedjedi #1639
I hunted them.. seemingly forever...(1)Category: GeneralOctober-9-2014 8:45 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Over ten thousand goblins did I slay.
I did not pass any chance .. no matter how many hordes of demons of monsters did I face.
I pillaged and plundered my way .
I did not fear the elite champions or their powerful bosses and kept up my pace.
I had many a fellow hero assist on my quest.
I teamed with crusaders,Demon hunters and witch doctors and with my trusty templar we did our best.
Then finally as all hope seemed lost and it appeared the gods had cursed me.
It happened in a Flash!
I was transported with a fellow young barbarian into a world of riches beyond compare.
We roared and began to loot and Bash.
The mystical land of the treasure goblins we did not spare ,
We rampaged our way through and finally with great joy.. we had done it.
But our lust for gold.. was not sated.. and now we begin the hunt again!
Praise the Gods of rng and may they fate us with a new quest of splendor and pain!
Avatar of Tyvalir
I hunted them.. seemingly forever...(3)October-9-2014 7:22 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Congrats on finding your first portal to the Vault!
You did it, completed, without even a fault.

Your skill and determination were great,
And with your mighty powers, you consigned the gobbies to their fate!

Through time and with patience, a new portal you'll see.
Till then, slay those gobbies before they go "Whee!"
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