Avatar of Shark #1999
Shark #1999
Exploiting the game is tolerated nowadays?(1)Category: GeneralSeptember-8-2014 10:07 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Should we all hop on the exploit wagon or is there some rollback (for exploiters) / bans coming?

I would like to ask, is exploiting tolerated by Blizzard?
You can do it without fear?

Good quote from diablofans:
I'm actually really worried that Blizzard aren't going to do anything about this other than just hotfix it. If they do nothing it will be clear that they think exploiting is fine.I do hope people get banned for this. It's clearly an exploit and anyone using it should be dealt with.

Avatar of Araxom
Exploiting the game is tolerated nowadays?(28)September-8-2014 10:35 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Greetings everyone, we are currently investigating the issue. As we look into this, we ask that posters refrain from providing specific descriptions of possible exploits in the forums - or call out specific accounts which may be involved in participating in the described actions.

For more information about the Code of Conduct you can check here: http://us.battle.net/en/community/conduct

I'll be locking up the thread, thank you for bringing this to our attention.
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