Avatar of ShimapanNeko #1160
ShimapanNeko #1160
Warsong Pennant Q(1)Category: GeneralSeptember-5-2014 9:55 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
My Diablo Battlenet isn't linked to my WoW Battlenet, If I were to get the collectors edition of WoD, can I get the Warsong Pennant on this Diablo account?

I guess my question is, are the items for DIII and SCII codes, or linked to the battlenet account?
Avatar of Araxom
Warsong Pennant Q(2)September-5-2014 10:37 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
You'll need to have the games on the same Battle.net account for Diablo III to be affected by the World of Warcraft upgrade. When you have some time, please reach out to us via the options down near the bottom of the following page so that we can pull up the accounts and review the issue with you. Ty!
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