Avatar of GanjaNinja #1597
GanjaNinja #1597
Hey blizzard why do we still have authenticators?(1)Category: GeneralJuly-2-2014 3:51 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I want to delete the blizzard authenticator app on my phone. I only used the authenticator too use rmah, now that its gone i want this app gone. Help me plz i want it deactivated so i can delete it from my phone
Avatar of Araxom
Hey blizzard why do we still have authenticators?(7)July-7-2014 11:32 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Authenticators are optional, however they do add an extra layer of protection to your account. We often see many phishing attempts circulating around, and if anyone has ever used the same pw and email for a 3rd party fansite (which we discourage) - then you can be at risk if that information is ever compromised.

As stated above, if you can log into the account then you can remove the Authenticator through your Battle.net account management. For players who are unable to access their account management, they can submit the request to have the Authenticator removed through the options which are listed on the following page.
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