Avatar of SeriusBizNis #1856
SeriusBizNis #1856
God in Diablo 3 universe(1)Category: GeneralMay-16-2014 4:47 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
So we know that there is a heaven and hell in d3 universe, and there are angels and there are demons. But there doesn't seem to be a god. This confuses me because classes like monks exist in the game.

This seems to conflict with the idea of Monks and their Ytar god which grants them their powers. Ytar cannot be real because there are no other celestial beings aside from the angels, which means that it's impossible for Monks to have their abilities in the first place.

If Ytar IS real however, then how would that work out with the angels of the high heavens?

Monks are not the only ones. What about Witch doctors and their spirit worship? And Crusaders/paladins and their holy powers through Zakarum?
Avatar of Gigargis
God in Diablo 3 universe(23)May-16-2014 5:46 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
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