Avatar of downclown #1824
downclown #1824
shard of haters day 3(1)Category: GeneralMay-2-2014 12:45 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
this is a QQ thread about share of hate and the current state it is in. this time i won't really talk about the state the item is in itself instead i will talk about the general items and how loot works in the game.

As of right now there aren't many game changing legendaries out there. leading people to cry more about not getting specific pieces of gear to drop leading to a dying playerbase. right now there are only a few viable builds for t6 which i understand is ok, but making people rely on set pieces is just lame to allow for progression in the game. i also understand sets SHOULD be powerful as well as game changing, but why can't single legendaries accompanied by equally powerful gear perform just as well?

items like Wand of Woh, Cindercoat, and the majority of crusader weaps influence builds that single handedly that would otherwise be undesirable to play even without set items. these items are in a good place and should be the model of how future legendaries should be.

Shard of Hate as people said was too op, but that was thru optimization and synergy of skills, re-evaluate the current state of the item as is so people can enjoy more than just the end game green sets to play this game (this is diablo not WoW) legendaries should influence your play choice not pre-determined set bonuses.
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shard of haters day 3(11)May-2-2014 3:28 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
As a friendly reminder, bumping threads is against our Forum Guidelines: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866#2

It is really best if the thread remains active by having an active and relevant discussion take place in it, the occasional bump isn’t usually going to get a thread locked but those that occur multiple times in a day tend to be excessive and considered spam.


Thread locked (If you wish to recreate the topic in such a way that encourages civil discussion regarding why some players have criticism to offer, by all means do so.)
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