Shock Pulse
Level Required: 3
Skill Type: Primary

This is a Signature spell. Signature spells are free to cast.

Release a medium range pulse of 3 unpredictable charges of electricity that deal 194% weapon damage as Lightning.

Element: Lightning

Runes for Shock Pulse
Skill RunesLevelElement
Explosive Bolts

Slain enemies explode, dealing 184% weapon damage as Cold to every enemy within 10 yards.

Shock Pulse's damage turns into Cold.

Fire Bolts

Cast 3 bolts of fire that each deal 274% weapon damage as Fire.

Piercing Orb

Merge the bolts in a a single giant orb that oscillates forward dealing 214% weapon damage as Lightning to everything it hits.

Power Affinity

Gain 2 Arcane Power for each enemy hit.

Shock Pulse's damage turns into Arcane.

Living Lightning

Conjure a being of lightning that drifts forward, electrocuting nearby enemies for 165% weapon damage as Lightning.

Note: Information on this page is based on a level 70 Wizard.
Shock Pulse Rune Popularity
  • This chart shows the popularity of the runes for the Shock Pulse Wizard active skill. Select the blue bars for softcore data, the red bars for hardcore data, or view all the rune statistics in the table display.
  • These are the Shock Pulse runes as chosen by level 70 Wizards who are currently playing the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls on PC or Mac in patch 2.3. It can also guide Wizards looking to pick the best Shock Pulse runes in Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition on consoles - the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
  • See other Wizard skill data in the Most Popular Wizard Builds and Skills charts.
Shock Pulse Rune Popularity Chart
Popularity percentages for Shock Pulse runes, as used by level 70 hardcore and softcore Wizards. Hightlight the bars on the chart to see the percentages for each Shock Pulse rune.
Shock Pulse Rune Popularity Table
Popularity percentages for the Shock Pulse runes used by level 70 softcore and hardcore Wizards.
RuneSoftcore %Hardcore %
Piercing Orb84.374.1
Power Affinity5.18.9
Fire Bolts4.77.7
Explosive Bolts35.1
Living Lightning2.94.2
No Rune00
Charts Last Updated: November 3, 2018
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