Avatar of Shunfu #1324
Shunfu #1324
Can't download Battle.net(1)Category: Technical SupportMay-9-2016 9:08 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Download never initiates after clicking on Windows. Tried multiple browsers.
Avatar of Omrakos
Can't download Battle.net(2)May-9-2016 9:55 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Your link works fine for me, it just downloads a little ~3 meg file used to start the install process.

If you're unable to get it, something's blocking it on your end like an antivirus app possibly or more likely a firewall setting. It may also be a simple DNS problem.

Temporarily disable any antivirus apps and firewalls in use and see if it allows the app to download. If not, move on to flushing your DNS.

If that also doesn't help, you might try using a public DNS service like Google DNS. You can always change it back any time you want.

I'm available in the forums Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 3:00 pm Pacific Time,
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