Avatar of CyLaNt #1337
CyLaNt #1337
61 down :)(1)Category: HardcoreOctober-23-2015 7:01 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Finally downed a 61 this morning on my HOTA barb...man that was a rush :) My adrenaline was jacked the entire time lol. I may be the only HOTA barb on page 1....at least until Brian reads this :)

Stay safe guys!
Avatar of Grimiku
61 down :)(8)October-23-2015 3:53 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Congrats CyLaNt! I was watching a video earlier today of someone clearing a 60+ in HC, and found myself feeling tense despite knowing he made it just fine. Big props to you guys for these heroic deeds. Good luck, stay alert, and stay alive everyone!
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