Avatar of Angelos #2478
Angelos #2478
Unplayable v.140.1(1)Category: Technical SupportAugust-26-2016 9:15 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Due to the nice 1k msec latency that occur EVERY friday and each evening between 17:00 till 04:00 on daily bassis with accurate timing I want to ask some questions pointed to the support team,
(Ofc I dont expect any answers cause this is too much for you to handle);

1) Why is this happening ONLY in Diablo 3?

2) Why do you run support section in first place when u cannot resolve this for 4 years, unplayability due to massive latency only in Diablo 3 ?

3) Why do u even PTR server slam test when the game isnt unplayable at first place?

4) Do you enjoy to troll your costumers with things like "performance hotfixes"?

5) For how long we should wait till the game will be fairly playable to an extent where pressing a skill wont take it to be cast after 3-50 seconds?

6) Do we have to wait, AGAIN, just like previous season, for 2.5 months for the next patch in order to play the game?

7) How come u are getting paid for this?
Avatar of Tiogaradh
Unplayable v.140.1(2)August-27-2016 1:27 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Locking duplicate thread.
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