Avatar of Xephier #1538
Xephier #1538
Not so legendary "legendary"s(1)Category: GeneralMay-10-2015 9:17 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Ugh... getting so sick of these dropping. Legendaries with no actual legendary affixes.. Hammer jammer's anyone? I've gotten at least 5-10 pairs of those and they're garbage, they're one of those items that you might be happy to get when you first hit 70 and you're upgrading from rare gear but otherwise they're garbage.

Honestly any legendary without a unique property on it should just be downgraded to rare or have a unique property added cuz it's hard enough to get worthwhile legendaries to drop(even farming torment 6) without having to shovel more trash out of my inventory because legendaries that have no right to be called legendary drop. I've destroyed no less than 30 legendary weapons on each my seasonal DH and wiz and my wiz has been using the same crappy weapon almost since he hit 70 because nothing good drops, weapons with crappy/no legendary affixes or weapons with ok legendary affixes and horrible stats. I almost came across a good weapon on my wiz(not ancient leg but still ok) but then after rolling a socket into it I realized that the stupid thing rolled STR... @#$%#

Ya, basically bliz needs to work on the itemization so more than just the 800+para on season 3 lifers can get decent gear. If you put 5 hours a day into this game there's no damned reason that you shouldn't be geared out..

Oh another thing, decently rare legendary lvl 67-69 gear should just roll as level 70, I've had it happen a few times on non-seasonal where I end up with a piece of gear that I either take months to get another or never find another but I get a level 67-69 version rendering it obsolete, like seriously? I'll be 70 in minutes and I get a rare legendary that's obsolete, why??
Avatar of Vaneras
Not so legendary "legendary"s(13)May-12-2015 4:22 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Now, legendaries with no legendary power are crap - thankfully, Blizz is adding powers to such items in every patch, so it is a good thing for the future patches. They plan to give powers to every single legendary item.

Just quoting this for the blue-tag. This is indeed the plan, with the caveat that it might be a while before we accomplish this. There are plenty of people who have posted great ideas for how to improve the various legendary items in the game, and if you have ideas of your own, by all means do not hesitate to share them with us :-D

Posted by: Kinshade

in order to be a legendary it should have something.

We agree :-)
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