Avatar of HsojVvad #1634
HsojVvad #1634
Did you know...(1)Category: ConsoleSeptember-9-2014 1:25 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I made these threads for Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim and they turned out really popular.

Since I know very little about Diablo 3/RoS UUE, I thought maybe it's time for a Kid you know thread for Diablo 3/RoS UUE because I can't stop playing it now. While it can be common knowledge for most people there are a few who will not have a clue. I will start it off. While I believe everyone knows it, I didn't know what it was and I played through all 5 acts without know and finally found out a few days ago.

Did you know when you are in the Character screen the little flame beside your money is Blood Shards? They are only useful for Gambling with Kadala once you are in Adventure Mode.

So lets hear (I guess read :P) your Did you knows.
Avatar of Grimiku
Did you know...(4)September-9-2014 3:17 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Did you know that turning on Elective Mode in the options menu will offer you more freedom when assigning skills to buttons?
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