Avatar of Mogey
Player Pain: Couch Coop(1)Category: ConsoleAugust-28-2014 12:21 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey guys, first off Blizz I want to say thanks for finally giving me a reason to buy multiple PS4 controllers! I have been doing a LOT of couch coop, and it's been hella fun. There is one problem though that is making me crazy, also because some of my friends are new to Diablo (and even gaming in general)...

The Inventory hub is a severe hassle. It can take almost 15-20 minutes for everyone in the group to open their interface, clear out their inventory, and select their spells...

Can you make a patch that makes the inventory screen smaller and allow you to continue playing or opening up your own hud, instead of having to wait FOREVER for your friend to finish what they're doing? I can only take so many smoke breaks while I wait for friends to finish up.

This issue is for Local only.

Anyone have suggestions?

By the way, feel free to add me! I'd love to make friends, and group up for rifts and exploring. I'm a Paragon 77 Crusader. PSN: Mogey Bear
Avatar of Grimiku
Player Pain: Couch Coop(13)August-28-2014 1:49 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: Elzavier

As soon as you pick up an item, you'll notice the red or green arrows display above your characters health bar. If said item looks better than what you have, press up on the D-pad, and you will be given the option to equip it right then and there.
Now if if you pick it up and it's all red, you can press the d-pad up and choose the option to drop it, or add it to junk.
When you go back to town, and say you go to the blacksmith to salvage what your not using, anything you marked as junk can be broken down in the single press of a button, this works also if you were looking to sell said items.
It's a huge time saver by grouping everything your not gonna equip to sell or salvage with one button

Thanks for jumping in with all of this helpful info, Elzavier. Making sure that loot could be quickly managed was a high priority in UEE, but it definitely takes a little getting used to. The ability to mark items as Junk sometimes feels a little bit like an unsung hero of the system.
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