Avatar of Swink #2291
Swink #2291
New Season(1)Category: GeneralMarch-23-2015 10:35 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
A new season so soon?

Come on blizzard.. I just had time to get the most needed gear to play my build and now your making a new season?
All that work just to enjoy it for a week?

I'm OUT!..

What about you guys, feelings about this?

<*edit> It is perfectly possible to voice your concerns without profanity or insults! Please be more constructive in the future.
Avatar of Vaneras
New Season(10)March-24-2015 5:53 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: Blackwolfe

3 months would have been perfect. First season lasted for 5 months I think? Personally I feel like I'm just getting started on my WD (yeah, I'm slow) so an extra month would have been lovely.

The developers actually commented on this topic in the latest Tavern Talk (around the 21:25 minute mark)

We would like for seasons to last approximately 3 to 4 months, but the length of a season is dictated by the development schedule, which means some seasons might be longer or shorter depending on when the next patch and new content is ready. The hope for season 3 is that it will be longer than season 2, but shorter than season 1. We'll do our best to give you guys a two week heads up before the end of a season, but it is hard to provide an exact date before then.
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