Avatar of Xxbloodfalls
Journeyman Holy Tome and Gems?(1)Category: ConsoleAugust-21-2014 1:09 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
1) I crafted a Journeyman Holy Tome (Rare templar relic) and it says +48 Strength etc...How do I use that or gain these properties? If I keep in bag, none of stats change, so I tried dropping it to see if my stats lowered and they did not. Picking it back up does not result in my stats gaining those attributes either. Am I missing something??

2) Gems - How in the world do you use gems and socket them in the weapons/armor? There is no button to use them, I can only view stats. What am I missing here as well?
Avatar of Grimiku
Journeyman Holy Tome and Gems?(5)August-21-2014 2:12 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
This seems like a good place to let new Diablo III players know about the fact that you can manage your followers gear, and what skills they use. Just open up your character menu system in game and navigate to the Follower tab. You'll notice they have a single radial menu which includes their gear and skills in one convenient location.

Followers can help you out quite a bit when you're playing solo, so be sure to set them up with the best gear you can!
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