Avatar of GreyFox474 #1290
GreyFox474 #1290
Some "Quality of Life" Proposals(1)Category: GeneralJanuary-18-2015 12:37 PM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Dear Blizzard,

I love the game and I play a lot of it. But I'd like to talk about some slightly anoying things and propose some ideas of how to improve those aspects of the game.

Greater Rift Trials
Now... those are just not fun. They take a lot of time, you don't really get consistent results and after you're done with the greater Rift you'll have to do it again.
I understand why they are neccessary but in their current form they actively discuorage from doing grifts.
My idea would be to give us an option to kind of "gamble" more than one trialstone at a time. Maybe lose 10 trialstones and get 10 keystones of the rank that you have achieved in the trial.
Or dispose of the trials completely and let us choose the rank up to a level of [*highest rank completed* - 5] or something like that.

(Customizable) Auto Loot
I LOVE the new goblins. A huge group of them in rifts is awesome! That is until I've killed most of them and the others hide behind the loot that dropped, making them hard to spot and even harder to click on.
Also, I'm using a legendary potion, but I'm still picking up all the normal potions, which I then have to drop or sell at some point for no value at all.
Please let us customize the autolooting of potions, gems, usables (rift key stone for example) and crafting materials - basically everything that stacks. Let us choose if we want to autoloot them at all, or which kind of gems/materials.

Crafting Materials Drop Rate
In Season I am now sitting at about 7k veiled cristals, but only ~200 arcane dust. With the introduction of ancient items, crafting is something people really want to do.
But they can't. The amount of "lesser" materials (arcane dust/reusable parts) needed is way to high compared to their drop rate. For example, Reaper's Wraps cost 72(!) arcane dust but only 7 veiled crystals.
Please tweak the numbers in the crafting recepies or the drop rates. (This might even be hotfixable. Please?)

Newly tweaked legendary droprates
"The rarity of the rarest Legendary items in the game has been reduced" - this was SO nice to read in the patchnotes. But what I feel it lead to is people getting more Legendary Items that are not usable by the class they are playing.
By now I am convinced that I get as many (or more) crossbows on my monk as I get daibos.
Please take a closer look at the loottables for "foreign" Items, like crossbows on a monk or Mojos on a Wizard.

Blood Shards
The 500 shards limit is really not enough. Purple goblins give about 300 of them (and right now they spawn in pairs) and higher grift guardians even drop more than 500. I'm starting to visit Kadala more often then I visit Orek to close a rift.
For now, please raise the Limit (Hotfix, maybe?). On long term I feel the shards need to get a rebalance in value, kind of like you guys did when you set the limit down from 5000 to 500.

I know most of this is nothing new to be asked for, but I'd like to give a reasonable, quick Feedback without raging and offensive language.
Sorry I didn't do this for PTR.

Thanks for reading, keep up the good work!
Avatar of Vaneras
Some "Quality of Life" Proposals(5)January-19-2015 2:45 AM PST (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
It's always nice to know what Quality of Life improvements people would like to see the most, so this is an excellent thread. Blue-tagging it for increased visibility in case more people would like to post their own QoL feedback or add to what has been posted above. Thanks guys :-)
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