Avatar of JanSama #2150
JanSama #2150
Stash inventory space seriously need more!(1)Category: GeneralNovember-2-2014 5:44 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey guys,

Anyone else feel that the maximum inventory space within the Stash is too small? I really hope that Blizzard intend to increase the stash size by like 500% especially for those with alts or multiple builds etc.
Avatar of Vaneras
Stash inventory space seriously need more!(66)November-12-2014 5:35 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hi guys,

The topic of Stash Space was brought up during the Q&A part of the Diablo Panel at BlizzCon, and I just wanted to relay the developer's feedback on this topic here as well.

Question: This could be a controversial question. One problem people have in Diablo is character and stash space. Can we buy more inventory space or character space in Diablo 3?
Answer: Will we have a store to sell more stash space? Everyone wants that. Not specifically the store aspect, but we’re always discussing the issue of more space. And if we give you more you want more, and more and more and eventually all the internet is your items.
We think about it and we want to address it, but nothing to say now.

Travis Day also commented on this topic during an Interview by IncGamers during BlizzCon:
Stash space comes up a lot. I’ve said myself, “I would totally pay to have more stash tabs.” But honestly… that’s when I’m in my player’s shoes. When I’m in my designer’s shoes, we talk about it differently. No matter how many tabs we give players; two more, five more, etc, they’re going to fill those and want more. So what we’ve been trying to figure out recently is how we can help you better manage your stash. How we can help you not need to save so many things.

So take something like crafting materials. Maybe we make them easier to store. maybe we find reasons for players to get rid of some extra stuff they’re keeping.

On top of that there are technical reasons. There are only so many… we call them “actors” but it’s about how many items are in our game and how many it’s storing in memory at any given time. If we do almost any more than we have now, the game can’t physically keep up with it.

So to summarise; the developers are very much aware of the concerns you guys have in regards to stash space, and while there are some technical limitations that will have to be considered, the developers are looking into how best to address the stash space situation.
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