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m3lt #2103
T6 Challenge - From level 1 and see how far you can go!(1)Category: GeneralNovember-5-2014 11:11 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
So, I wanted to propose a challenge for those of you who like alts and/or prefer to enjoy the journey more than the destination itself.

The challenge is simple, to start a new character class of your choice at the Torment VI difficulty and see how far you can go before deciding it is just too hard!


This challenge is just to see how far you can go before deciding to quit because the game is way too hard for you, and trust me on Torment 6 with self found gear since level 1, it will be a brick wall when you reach around level 15-20!
Oh and do not be fooled by the first 5 levels, it will become extremely hard after it, but that is the fun!

The rules are simple:
- Start a new class from Level 1
- Difficulty must be Torment VI
- You can use your Paragon Points as you wish
- You can use any gems as you wish, including your Legendary Gems (even upgraded)
- You can use crafted gear as long as it is not higher level gear with Low Level Requirement (for example a level 70 weapon you crafted that has Low Level Requirement)

And the most important rule:
(Low Level Requirement, Hellfire Amulet, Hellfire Ring, etc)

If possible, make one Stash Tab specifically for your character and put all the gems you want there so you can focus on that tab and not use any other previously found items.

And needless to say, don't cheat! You will be fooling yourself and that will take away the fun...

Have fun and any ideas, suggestions and your personal progress, please post here!

My own T6 Level 1 progress is (levels they currently are):

- Wizard: 1
- Monk: 1
- Demon Hunter: 1
- Barbarian: 1
- Crusader: 11
- Witch Doctor: 1

I will be starting the new character now, so I will be updating my progress soon.
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T6 Challenge - From level 1 and see how far you can go!(17)November-6-2014 3:59 AM PST (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Sounds like a fun challenge, I'm tempted to give it a go :-)

Just out of curiosity, to those of you trying this challenge, how far have you got so far?
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