Avatar of KaizerSauze #2706
KaizerSauze #2706
This silence from devs makes me awkward.(1)Category: GeneralSeptember-29-2014 12:21 PM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Do you got plans in the future ?
Any changes ?

Can we got some information about Season 2, what will be in it?
    What about S1 exploits ?

    When will the beta season will end? (Aka. Season 1)

    State of GRift ?

    Class balance ?

    Build diversity ?

Avatar of Vaneras
This silence from devs makes me awkward.(15)September-30-2014 6:33 AM PDT (10 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I don't have much I can say on this topic right now, buy I just wanted to jump into this thread to assure everyone that we are reading your feedback as well as taking note of your concerns.

Posted by: Vicious

don't forget Blizzcon is in a month so probably we won't hear any big news until then

The developers have seen the requests for a 'state of the game' update, and they are not against that idea. BlizzCon is indeed on the approach, and while I currently don't have information on the kind of news that may be shared before or during the event, I do hope that people will find BlizzCon interesting.
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