Avatar of Forensics #1675
Forensics #1675
Ping issues from 8pm to 11pm CST everyday(1)Category: Technical SupportAugust-9-2016 7:23 PM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Ping in game - http://imgur.com/a/7sijM

Tracert - http://imgur.com/a/Pc9Xz

It's not spiking ping it's just constant 280-500ms.
Avatar of Byromern
Ping issues from 8pm to 11pm CST everyday(2)August-9-2016 9:54 PM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Howdy Forensics,

The trace route shows the latency spike is occurring on hop 5. That is Sudden Link's network. You'll have to contact them to see what they can do. What I've found is that it's best to send the trace route to the ISP when contacting so they can see exactly where the issue is. Otherwise they tend to test the routing from them to your house, which isn't the same as your house to Diablo III.

The hours that this happens during are most likely the peak usage hours for the internet service provider. It seems like the node on hop 5 is over congested.
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