Avatar of Jagowoshi
Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Game Crashing(1)Category: Technical SupportAugust-6-2016 1:06 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
We have been receiving reports of freezing/crashing after the Windows 10 Anniversary update which appear related to the Game DVR in Windows 10. For those who encounter this issue, please attempt the steps below:

Turn off extended Fullscreen Exclusive (eFSE):
    Open the Game bar by pressing Win+G when the game launches.
    Select the settings cog.
    Uncheck the box labeled "Show Game bar when I play full-screen games Microsoft has verified."
    Restart Diablo III.

If the above does not resolve the issue, you can disable the Game DVR entirely via the following:
    Search for "Xbox" and open the Xbox app (You will need to log into your Microsoft Account.)
    Once open, click on the settings option on the left (Cog Wheel).
    Click the slider for the game DVR to turn if off.

If disabling the game DVR does not resolve the issue, please ensure that your graphics drivers are up to date:
NVIDIA video cards
AMD video cards
Intel video cards

Note: if you are impacted by the issue above, we are looking for examples as we investigate the root cause of the problem. Please post a DxDiag file, using the code blocks button (pre) to enclose the information in a window, like this:

DxDiag here
[Post edited two times, last edit by Jagowoshi at August-13-2016 7:44 AM PDT (9 years ago)]
Avatar of Jagowoshi
Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Game Crashing(24)August-19-2016 9:30 AM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Posted by: DevilJin

What if somone not have "Anniversary Update" and its still freeze game DC ?

Then the situation is unrelated to this issue. Please create your own thread.
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