Avatar of Muddy #1328
Muddy #1328
Fields of Misery crashing(1)Category: Technical SupportAugust-7-2016 10:33 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Fields of Misery has been crashing on me for the past couple of days. When I teleport to the waypoint I get an infinite loading screen. I try to alt-tab, alt-f4, I even ctrl-alt-delete to open the task manager, but Diablo 3 loading screen stays as the top window of my screen forcing me to force restart my computer.
This has occur three times last night and once just now.

How can I fix this? It's making farming keywardens literally impossible, and I have to make a new game when bounty farming if Fields of Misery comes up as one of the bounties.
Avatar of Omrakos
Fields of Misery crashing(2)August-8-2016 7:28 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Could you try running the game's Scan and Repair utility and see if it helps?

I'm available in the forums Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 3:00 pm Pacific Time,
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