M1ssAlan1us #1976 | Connection to Launcher(1) | Category: Technical SupportAugust-8-2016 1:35 PM PDT (8 years ago) |
Errors: BLZBNTBGS80000011, BLZHSBGS80000011 This is what I have been getting for the last week. Before and after I left state. Wi-fi has been sorted out and works perfectly. I can log in to the game just fine, but connecting to the launcher with my account information just does not work. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but i have not been able to connect since the day patch was launched, and DDOS's occured. Do I need to reinstall the launcher, or is there a place to repair it? |
Byromern | Connection to Launcher(4) | August-9-2016 9:42 PM PDT (8 years ago) |
Hey guys, Typically that error occurs when Battle.net can't connect to the server. Try these steps to solve that.