Avatar of Nevalistis
Console Hotfixes - [Updated: 08/04](1)Category: ConsoleAugust-2-2016 4:05 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Several hotfixes have been deployed to the Ultimate Evil Edition on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. As we know some of you have been eagerly awaiting this news, we've consolidated this news in one place for your convenience.

These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require restarting the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.

Patch notes are denoted by the date on which they were applied.

Last updated August 4, 2016

  • Fixed an issue where Energy Twisters cast for free by Etched Sigil would not despawn properly when produced by Arcane Torrent. (8/4)
  • Fixed an issue where Mythic Rhythm would be consumed by Exploding Palms cast by the Uliana's 2-piece bonus. (8/2)
  • Note: Mythic Rhythm should only apply to Spirit Spenders that are cast manually, not by items or set bonuses.
  • The internal cooldown for gaining stacks for Chantodo’s Resolve now dynamically updates with your Attack Speed. (8/2)
  • Dungeon of Firebird’s Finery
  • Fixed an issue where players would not always get credit for igniting 20 enemies within 3 seconds. (8/2)
[Post edited one time, last edit by Nevalistis at August-4-2016 4:18 PM PDT (9 years ago)]
Avatar of Nevalistis
Console Hotfixes - [Updated: 08/04](2)August-4-2016 4:20 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
The following hotfix is now live for both XB1 and PS4:

  • Fixed an issue where Energy Twisters cast for free by Etched Sigil would not despawn properly when produced by Arcane Torrent. (8/4)
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