Avatar of sp5it #1574
sp5it #1574
Launcher spin up all HDD's(1)Category: Technical SupportJuly-17-2016 5:59 AM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
I have D3 installed on main SDD drive. I have also 3x HDD which are in sleep mode most of the time.
Why Blizzard launcher spins up all HDD drives every time I start it?
None of windows data or dependencies are located on other drive than SSD.
Windows7 x64.
Any ideas how to prevent waking up unused drives?
Avatar of Omrakos
Launcher spin up all HDD's(2)July-19-2016 3:07 PM PDT (8 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

I suppose it could be a setting in the Desktop App. If you open the App, and select it at the top left "blue icon", click "Settings", then "Game Install/Update". Scroll down to where you find the option to Scan for Games and uncheck it if it's enabled. That's about all I can think it might be if it's indeed the launcher querying those drives.

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