Avatar of Monadnock #1931
Monadnock #1931
Three consecutive nights of timeouts(1)Category: Technical SupportJuly-12-2016 11:33 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Extremely annoying. For three nights now, I can't even finish a rift because the server keeps timing out on me. I've updated all drivers, released my IP, renewed it and flushed DNS. I've rebooted my entire network countless times, tried wireless and wired.

I have no issues or problem with ANY other applications or games, only Diablo 3.
Avatar of Byromern
Three consecutive nights of timeouts(6)July-13-2016 9:18 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
Hey y'all,

I'm sorry to hear about the inconvenience those time outs are causing. =/

To further diagnose this, please run a WinMTR for about 5-10 minutes with the host field of Then paste the results here for review.
Avatar of Byromern
Three consecutive nights of timeouts(9)July-18-2016 5:53 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

The WinMTR results look normal, with no packet loss being reported.
If the timeouts continues, please perform the troubleshooting listed here.
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