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Gizardpuke #1166
Diablo 3 and DSR on new monitor (Acer Predator X34)(1)Category: Technical SupportJuly-9-2016 7:12 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post
had DSR working on D3 yesterday, but as per usual with new things, i fiddled and now i can only get D3 working on 2560x1440. even though DSR is configured within the ndivia control panel, its not letting me use the DSR resolutions.

i cannot find what i changed or where i changed it so i can get it back. anyone else run into this?
has anyone run into this? im still looking but man... tad blind atm.
Avatar of Omrakos
Diablo 3 and DSR on new monitor (Acer Predator X34)(3)July-11-2016 5:46 PM PDT (9 years ago) Go to Blizzard forum post

Are you still able to set your desktop to the highest DSR resolution?

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